by on November 16, 2022

One of the typical symptoms of New Coronary Pneumonia is fever, persistent high or low fever, accompanied by side effects such as headache, fatigue and muscle aches. At the same time, many patients experience an irritating dry cough and coughing up sputum, feeling breathless and Rapid antigen self test difficult to breathe. In addition, there are adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting.

When it comes to the new coronavirus, many people are cold and worried that they will be infected with the new coronavirus. This is mainly because of the high incidence of the new coronavirus, which is easily spread through foam and contact, and the need to understand the specific symptoms to detect the disease and isolate it for treatment in a timely manner.


What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus?


1, fever and fever


One of the most typical symptoms of pneumonia infection with novel coronavirus is fever. If the fever persists and does not go down, detect a body temperature of 37-40 to be alert to whether the infection is new coronavirus. However, some patients may have low fever, headache, dizziness, fatigue and other reactions after infection, and the muscles of the whole body may sometimes feel pain.


2. Cough and sputum


At the initial stage of novel coronavirus infection, paroxysmal irritating coughing symptoms mainly appear, which cannot be relieved by taking cough suppressants such as coughing tablets. However, as the condition worsens, coughing and sputum may occur in response. Coughing sputum is sticky and even a small amount of blood.


3. Chest tightness and air promotion


Adverse reactions such as chest tightness and gas promotion can occur after infection with the new coronavirus. The virus causes a lot of damage to the respiratory system, and many patients have difficulty taking in oxygen, and in severe cases may have symptoms such as difficulty breathing. At this time, artificial oxygen therapy may be required to prevent hypoxia.


4. Gastrointestinal symptoms


Some patients with novel coronavirus may experience mild gastrointestinal adverse reactions. Clinically, there are nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.


In summary, the symptoms of novel coronavirus infection are similar to those of acute respiratory tract infection. However, it should be noted that the incubation period of the virus is long and may reach about 14 days, even if there are no typical symptoms such as fever for a while.


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Posted in: Health
Topics: coronavirus
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