by on December 29, 2022

to be focused rather than systematic

Managers should not learn, like students, systematically learn management Krishna SAVANI knowledge, but to "make up the shortest board". What is missing, what should be filled, what should not be filled; not very urgent, it can wait until later.

The emphasis of this guideline is.

Learning centered on achieving work objectives. For the time being, do not consider learning that is unrelated to this.

Analyze the requirements. There are many factors and problems that limit goal achievement; do not be browbeaten; instead, identify the most obstructive to goal achievement of one to three factors and problems, learn, and change.

Learning objectives should be small and specific, not broad and all-encompassing.

As an example.

Your own time is being squandered, and you work like a firefighter all day, keeping yourself busy and chaotic. How are you going to change? Never create a comprehensive improvement strategy. It is impossible to become an organized and efficient person all at once because people change in stages.

You can only move up one section at a time, just like in Go; don't try to reach 9th dan all at once. For example, you could set the following goal: Spend 20 minutes a day making a plan and ensuring that 70% of it is completed according to the plan; prioritize at the same time. Make a good plan, then set new goals.

Manage abilities rather than knowledge.

Because managers' competency structure is comprised of knowledge, attitude, and skills, the term "no management knowledge" does not imply a lack of learning management knowledge. Managers can function without management knowledge, but not without knowing how to function.

The domestic education system has emphasized theory over practice and concepts over skills, resulting in a large number of pedantic managers who have learned a lot of theories and concepts but have no idea how to practice and have very low management operation ability. There is a basic concept in multinational enterprise management training that management requires skills, and skills can be standardized and mastered by managers through training.

Why should domestic enterprises learn advanced management of international enterprises, which is frequently in the form or difficult to in-depth?

The reason for this is that learning others' management philosophy and management system is more important than learning management skills. As a result, while the concept is understood and the system is implemented, the operation is chaotic and changed. Imagine the manager's management skills do not keep up, but he continues to manage using the old "action" to manage, even though the concept is new and the system is good again. It will have the opposite effect.

Establishing management skills is a slow process, or more accurately, it is a movement, a skill to train, day by day, to become a professional manager. Many companies, from the boss to the professional manager, are more impatient, always wanting to eat a fat, for this slow work management, because the water is not quenching the thirst of the near to give up.

On the contrary, international successful enterprises focus on one step at a time to improve managerial ability of managers, this year training "time management" ability and "communication" ability, next year training "goal management" and "motivation." We will train "time management" and "communication" skills this year, "goal management" and "motivation" skills the following year, and "team building" and "leadership" skills the following year...

There is no way around this.

Don't just listen and watch if you want to change.

Learning is about solving problems, improving competencies, and thus improving performance for managers, and any learning that does not have anything to do with that is meaningless.

Related article reading:
Learn from the good managers around you and gain a solid understanding of management first.
I'm not sure how to study in Management. Look at this!
Six managerial learning misconceptions Some of them rush to make corrections.

Posted in: Business, Education
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