by on June 16, 2022

I believe that we if the business has not seen my work before friends know 還卡數

With the age of the Internet, whatever happens, it will cause a stir on the Internet. The judges have also made a lot of comments about good and bad. The variety of comments is also very diverse, but have you ever thought about it? Does this make some good guys, bad guys and bad guys?

For example, the word "Laolai" is now appearing on the Internet! In fact, the old 借貸scoundrel is also true or false. Some of them are lazy and don't pay back the money, which is a real chronic. And some of them? Some old man is not that he does not return, but he returns, who can return him lost? This is the reputation of being forced to be a villain. Who wants to live in that capacity? There is a good quote. If he does not do his best, he will not judge others.

Back on topic, my personal advice is that it is best to borrow money when a person desperately needs it. Secondly, go to a bank on the proper channel to get a loan, not on a cell phone. Don't touch it even if you're dead. Why do you say that? To give you a pros and cons analysis.

First, at least one of your relatives or friends is in a relationship. Maybe the reward is not easy, 成立海外公司but as long as you are honest and responsible, your relationship will not deteriorate, but will get better and better with the help of each other.

Secondly, the Bank of China, the bank development belongs to the institution that our country is supervising. Inside although they do not have to carry out feelings to talk about, but relatively simple interest will make you more acceptable some can also improve their own problem to negotiate the way repayment is equal principal and interest or first interest after the capital, etc. ... really lack of money can also be students can go to try the next.

The last thing I said is the net loan, in fact, called the net loan, we may not understand why dead can not borrow? But please tell you that the net loan is only its name on the Internet, in fact, the real name of the net loan is death. As the name suggests, who is evolved the entire death of the person. It also dies because it kills thousands of aspiring young people, like jumping off buildings. Drinking...etc. I'm sure you've seen incidents of this online. There are also net loans: one with a short period, two with high interest rates, and three with high commission service fees ...... When you borrow, the latter collects more. You can dig up your 18 generations of ancestors. Disgrace you and everyone will spit on you. Some even separate. What is this, and not that, is death? In fact, if only that, also return it! It can borrow money with IDs, cell phone numbers and software that knows all the contacts on your phone, which is the scariest. Everything about privacy is being monitored.


Credit loans can not be trusted, there are 4 pits of credit loans, do you know what they are?

When a business entrepreneur provides a capital crunch, is it better to take a bad loan from a bank

Don't be "trapped" by it. Private lending is prevalent. Why do not many people choose formal loans?

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