by on June 24, 2022


Topic 1:What attitudes should parents have when they are young?

Parents' attitudes need to be carried out鄭丁港 both positively and with teaching strategies.

One is that they can motivate their children to go to elementary school. Never scare your child with words like "you'll have to suffer for going to school," but rather we should say things that we appreciate and encourage, 鄭丁港such as: "you've really grown up," "you're getting more and more like "497" so that the child will feel honored and proud to go to our elementary school.

Secondly, we focus on children's development in a 鄭丁港comprehensive manner. In general, children's learning interests, routines, and whether or not they are in a group are aspects that often affect their ability to adapt after school. You need to always pay attention to these aspects of your child's development, so that they gradually form good learning interests, habits, etc.

Topic 2: What should parents focus on?

The following can be used as a reference when you analyze and understand your child's situation.

(1) Is your child looking forward to entering elementary school?

(2) Does your child get along well with peers?

(3) Has the child become depressed after leaving his or her family and entering an unfamiliar environment?

(4) Are the children able to interact naturally with others besides their families?

(5) Are the children interested in reading and can they answer questions about it?

(6) Is the child able to work independently on his or her own to do things like tie shoelaces, put on scarves, and clean up toys?

(7) Does the child take care of himself/herself, such as drinking water on his/her own initiative and dressing and undressing according to hot and cold conditions?

(8) Do children repeat simple messages?

Is your child good at using paper, paint, scissors, glue, markers, etc.?

(10) Can the child remember two or three tasks and perform them at the same time?

(11) Can students name their home network address can and family names and phone numbers among children?

Will your child admit he doesn't understand and ask for help?

This is the process by which parents accelerate the pace of readiness to complete the "readiness to learn" task. In general, it can be divided into preschool, in-school, and after-school, and we should pay close attention to preschool, in-school, and after-school.

Topic 3: How can parents guide their children's sleep patterns?

Having a regular routine is also an important aspect of content that can help children establish a sense of rules and adapt to economic, social and cultural life.

First, gradual development helps our children to establish the concept of learning time management. Before a child does something (drink, go to the bathroom, do homework, etc.), prepare him well and make it clear that the enterprise needs to pass the time to complete. Once China begins, no excuses are allowed for delay (e.g., walking back and forth). In addition, the child can be psychologically prepared as a timed small alarm clock, set a good time limit, so that the child can self-improve supervision, their own internal control of the activity time.

Arrange a relatively stable work and rest time for the child. It is best for parents to work out a schedule with their children and post it where the child can see it, so that the child can do the appropriate things according to the schedule.

(iii). Work is organized and interests are coordinated flexibly. After entering elementary school, there will be many unexpected changes in the child's work and rest time. To enhance the child's ability to adapt, parents can consciously arrange one or two events that break the normal schedule. For example, going out at night to see the night scene or watching a ball game on a day off. If you are too rigid about time, your child's ability to adapt will be greatly reduced.

Topic 4: What kind of self-care skills should parents develop in their children?

Self-care skills are a necessary part of school readiness. Self-care skills for children before they start school include:

(1) The ability to organize and analyze their belongings and toys in an orderly manner.

(2) Returning used items to their place in a timely manner and keeping them neat and tidy.

(3) To be able to handle eating, washing and excretion properly.

(4) Be able to help family members and themselves to do household chores within their ability.

(5) To arrange time and activities reasonably.

Topic 5: How can parents and teachers manage to communicate with each other?

You may wish to communicate with the teacher in the following ways.

(1) Maintain frequent contact with the teacher through a variety of ways. In addition to individual communication with teachers during parent-teacher conferences and home visits, you may also exchange information with teachers through notes, phone calls, text messages, and the Internet, so that both parties can have a better understanding of the child's recent performance at home and at school, and you may make reasonable suggestions about the teacher's educational and teaching methods and various school management measures.

(2) Reflect objectively to "497" how a child behaves at home. The child's behavior at home is often the most real, and his or her habits at home, such as study, food, recreation, and rest, as well as some ideas and practices in telling the family about events at the school, you can communicate with the teacher appropriately so that the teacher can learn more about your child.

(3) Listen to the teacher's assessment of your child, and accurately view the teacher's criticism of your child.

Topic 6: How should parents handle the relationship between teachers and students?

As a parent, you can try to do the following

(1) Listen to your child's story. Children spend time with their teachers and classmates at school every day, and the little things that arise want to be shared with you at home. Listen to your child, as this is the best way to get to know him or her at school. Sharing good news or funny things with your child will make him or her feel happy at school and thus deepen the rapport with the "teacher".

(2) Communicate more with teachers. Schools and families have the same goal of educating children and both want them to thrive. However, due to time and space constraints, schools and families tend to differ in the way they educate children, making it difficult for children to adapt.

Here, you are asked to be able to communicate more with the student's teacher without management and to develop and discuss the concept of Chinese education together. If you do not understand the teacher's approach, you can frankly raise and discuss it so that you can reach a consensus. Parents themselves should not be apprehensive in dealing with this issue, as this will more easily lead to some misunderstandings that are counterproductive.

(3) Do not get too close to the "497" relationship. There are many parents of students we hope to be able to send gifts, treats and other ways to constantly improve the feelings with the "497" to get the "497" to their own special needs for their children care. Parents' feelings are also fully understandable, but such practices are really not desirable.

Parents should pay attention not only to the "early" stage of their children's education, but also to the "whole stage" of their children's growth, not only to their "learning", but also to their Not only their "learning" but also their "habits".

Topic 7: How can parents cultivate their children's self-confidence?

Self-confidence is not innate, it is developed gradually in daily life and learning. As parents, we should create conditions to cultivate our children's self-confidence.

First of all, you should not compare your child's shortcomings with other children's strengths. There are no two leaves in the world that have exactly the same, nor through two aspects of the exact same fingerprints used, a thousand people influence the world is incredible. Each education child development is unique to this social world of China, because for them to become the world is only colorful.

Secondly, you should be good at finding your child's strengths and boldly motivate. Every child has strengths, you may want to look for them in everyday life, from the small, insignificant things, and to tell your child straightforwardly "something, you did a great job".

Third, create opportunities to build confidence. You can also design and carry out play activities at home that your child is good at, for example, play some parent-child games with your child, set some games that can achieve small goals, let your child fully enjoy success after completing the task, so that he feels good about himself.

Topic 8: What kind of study habits should parents develop in their children?

Study habits generally refer to behaviors and habits that are related to learning and governed by good mental qualities. Good study habits begin with learning norms.

For a child who has just started school, you should especially appreciate caring for him some issues beneficial to student learning and school social life habits, such as.

(1) habits of listening and questioning

(2) Habits of expression and speech

(3) Habits of reading and writing ;

(4.) Habits of memory and thinking.

(5.) Behavior and punctuality.

(6.) Habits of cooperation and sharing.

I believe that parents will also have a positive attitude toward their children's development of these basic study habits.

Topic 9: How can parents develop their children's homework habits?

It is important for children to develop good work habits when they first start school. It is also important for them to develop a sense of responsibility, a sense of task and other important qualities. For this reason, you should not only care about your child's good work habits, but you should also develop as much as possible the right approach. Here are some basic things to keep in mind:

(1) Create an environment for your child to work quietly. Prepare a study space with a table and chairs, a lamp, a small bookshelf, and so on. The child can do his or her own work in this "area" when he or she returns home.

(2) Be careful to let your child set his or her mind to do his or her homework, not without them eating and eating and watching Chinese TV and doing this and that. To develop the habit of students to concentrate on learning to do their homework.

(3) To remind their children in a certain time can complete a homework, to help him gradually develop the formation of different time management concept. The general time for homework activities at home for first graders is about half an hour, and most children are able to finish within the time specified in this regard.

(4) Help your child develop the habit of doing homework before playing at home. Remind your child to remember that doing homework is a must for students. It is easier and more fun to do other things after the task is completed.

Parents need to actively cooperate with their children in their lives, studies, and physical and mental growth. , helping them to pass through the transition period of young convergence smoothly.

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Posted in: Education
Topics: comprehensive
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