by on July 12, 2022

1. Why Moisturize
It directly replenishes the water needed by skin cells, not only moisturizing the surface of the skin, but also deeply integrating with dehydrated cells, improving skin microcirculation and enhancing skin roundness.
Prevents surface xove 白松露water loss and forms a moisturizing film on top to lock in moisture.
In its natural state, the stratum corneum loses water to the outside world while replenishing water from the dermis, but the rate of loss is much faster than the rate of replenishment, so the most important thing in skin care is "moisturizing".
The principle of moisturizing
The skin itself has a perfect moisturizing system, just like a hydraulic project
The dermis is the water source, or "reservoir". xove 白松露The dermal matrix retains a large amount of water, and a lack of matrix (collagen, hyaluronic acid) reduces the ability of the dermis to hold water.
Therefore, the basic theoretical starting point of moisturizing is to maintain and protect the function of the barrier system of one's skin, to prevent the skin from losing surface water, and to form a moisturizing film outside of it to lock in water.
2. Method of moisturizing
Skin structure is divided into epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue three layers, skin care products can only work on the epidermis and dermis.
Among them, the epidermis is divided into the stratum corneum, the transparent layer, the granular layer, the spiny layer and the basal layer, each layer has its different functions and roles.
Stratum corneum: cream without cream will dander and produce dry lines.
So the oil we usually appear is a cream, xove white trufflefacial oil drainage is a measure of self-protection of the skin.
Hyaline layer: without moisture will die, so that the skin can not maintain the volume of moisture and shine. All nutrients are absorbed by the skin through the skin as a medium.
Granular layer: If lacked it makes our skin more sensitive.
Spiny layer: Lack of dew will affect the growth of cell division and slow down the metabolism.
Basal layer: Essence Lack of social skin problems can cause sagging and the formation of wrinkles.
People over 25 years old "eat" at least three kinds of nutrition at the same time, the skin will really change.
So we don't think that students use toner mask after moisturizing to improve the work of everything is fine, after doing the above analysis procedures, to apply moisturizing cream.
Essence will lock moisture and nutrients into the skin
How can I do the right moisturizing and hydration?
1) Drink more water
Most of the water in the skin is delivered to the dermis through intake, and then penetrates through the layers to reach the stratum corneum of the epidermis. When drinking water is not enough, the skin will naturally get insufficient water, the water source is broken, using how expensive and effective skin care products is useless. Hydration should be done from the source.
Therefore, the skin for moisturizing the first step, the first is the normal need for companies to drink water, every day to ensure that students at least 1500ml-2000ml or so of water.

Related article reading:
Tip: Can a mask moisturize?
Use this technology of skin moisture tester:
Top 5 quick moisturizing tips you didn't know

Posted in: Health
Topics: beauty
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