by on August 18, 2022

Diablo Immortal pre-loading starts on PC today in advance of the launch date in June 2ndBlizzard Entertainment along with D2R Items Games have announced that the forthcoming devilish MMOARPG Diablo Immortal will be available to pre-load on PC today. As in, right now. It's not due to launch until next June 2nd, however Blizzard has provided a convenient "roadmap" for accessing the game on this page. Scurry forth ye demons.

A mobile-first game also coming to PC, Diablo Immortal was revealed to dismayed gamers at Blizzcon 2018, when they really wanted Diablo 4. The game takes place between the events of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. It's compatible with crossplay on PC and mobile with the login. Don't fret, Blizzard are still working on Diablo 4, although it was delayed last November until 2023 at the latest.

Blizzard's most recent jaunt to Buy D2R items PS4 Resurrected: Deutscher Spieler erreicht in 8 Tagen Max-Level - ?Wie zur H?lle ist das m?glich?"Der deutsche Twitch-Streamer Teo1904 schafft in Diablo 2: Resurrected einen unglaublichen Erfolg. Nach nur 8 Tagen erreicht er in der ersten Ladder Level 99. Fur diese beeindruckende Leistung durfte er nicht viel schlafen. Er widmet den Triumph seinem verstorbenen Freund.

Posted in: Entertainment
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