by on January 3, 2022

Fist of Guthix is a RuneScape Gold creature. It's located in low-level wilderness and there is no need to carry anything. The teleport option is available for players. You run the risk of being killed, but it will not cost you anything. Personally, I would not mind.

I have a concern regarding Sir Amik Varze. The White Knights, (By Guthix I would like to see them have an alternative title, similar to the Kinshra) are an army, political, and social organisation. However, in the feudal system (yes, RuneScape doesn't pay any attention to how nations are managed or the size of the land, places are too small) Knights are in the bottom of the heap, whereas the king, who is who is only defeated by the emperor is the highest.

Amik could be a ruler on the horse of the King if he wanted, but surely he'd also be a peerage to the Grand Duke. Burthorpe would then be a principality. But, I believe the principality is large and Burthorpe is just its capital.

As for the Kinshra: they were expelled from Falador and on mountains (I'm pretending the mountains separate Asgarnia & Misthalin from Wilderness... It seems odd to have a single mountain by it's own) So I'm guessing Daquarius is the chief and marquess of the Kinshra.

He is the lord of this title, which makes sense. Again Sir Amik is a knight and not a lord as Daquarius. Let's see, what do you think? Is it possible for a knight to lead a kingdom? Sorry for RuneScape Gold 2007  unrelated parts. I simply copied and pasted the text from a RSOF posting.

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