Albina N muro

The process of adopting a dog step by step

Dog adoption is a process in which many steps are involved. Take note!

1. Skills questionnaire
Before adopting a dog in Spain you must complete a questionnaire, in which they will ask you a series of questions to find out whether or not you are qualified to have animals desirable family pets.

You cannot make this decision lightly, which is why associations have to make sure that you are a good adopter. You may also be asked to have a personal interview , in which they will take into account, for example, your physical health and lifestyle or where the dog will live.

2. Signing of the contract
Have you passed the test? It's time to sign the adoption contract, the most exciting part!

In signing the contract prior to delivery, all the responsibilities and commitments assumed by the adopter are revealed , especially to rule out possible abuse, abandonment and other aspects capable of harming the physical or mental health of the animal.

3. Payment and delivery
Delivery is coming! A crucial moment. Remember that for your dog, his new home is completely unknown. You will have to go through an adaptation phase that may be more or less long. He may be more scared than usual at first, but you will end up being very happy together.

4. Registration at the Town Hall
Some municipalities require that you register your new dog, while in others it is optional or not possible. You must verify and register your dog if requested, to comply with the current regulations of your municipality.

5. Veterinary check
Although the normal thing is that most of these expenses are paid and made at the animal shelter or shelter, which usually have veterinarians on the payroll or with whom they collaborate closely , another option, especially if it is a puppy, is to take it and You bear the necessary expenses to comply with current legislation.

6. Tracking
Adopting a dog also involves passing a trial period , in which the association will carry out mandatory monitoring of the animal's adaptation to its new home. Thus, in the first weeks, they will ask you how everything is going, and they will offer you support for any problems that may arise.

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