Energizer Bunny
by on March 5, 2024

 workkeys curriculum conditions during your practice sessions. This includes time constraints, quiet surroundings, and adhering to the official guidelines. Doing so will help reduce anxiety and enhance your confidence on test day.


Applied Mathematics: The Applied Mathematics section evaluates your mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills. To excel in this category, focus on mastering fundamental math concepts such as algebra, geometry, and data analysis. Practice solving real-world problems to enhance your quantitative reasoning abilities.


Graphic Literacy: Graphic Literacy assesses your ability to interpret and analyze information presented in charts, workkeys test  graphs, and other visual formats. Enhance your skills by regularly practicing with different types of visual data. Develop the ability to extract key information and draw conclusions from graphs and illustrations.

Workplace Documents: This section evaluates your ability to comprehend and analyze information presented in workplace documents such as memos, emails, and manuals. Practice reading and interpreting various workplace documents, paying attention to details, and understanding the main



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