by on April 18, 2024

What is compatibility test?

compatibility test refers to testing the running status and compatibility of a software system or application under different hardware, software, operating system, browser, database and network environment to ensure that the software system or application can run properly in different environments.

Compatibility tests include the following:

1. Hardware compatibility test: Tests the compatibility of software systems or applications in different hardware environments, including cpus, memory, disks, and graphics cards.

2. Software compatibility test: Test the compatibility of software systems or applications in different software environments, including the compatibility of different operating systems, databases, browsers, plug-ins, and applications.

3. Network compatibility test: Test the compatibility of software systems or applications in different network environments, including the compatibility of different network bandwidths, delays, bandwidth limits, and packet loss rates.

compatibility test can help software developers and testers discover and solve compatibility problems of software systems in different environments, ensure compatibility and availability of software systems or applications, and improve software quality and user satisfaction.

Posted in: Technology
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