Lucas locke
by on April 22, 2022

The internet has changed how we think about and do things because of blockchain. Many businesses are adopting blockchain to improve transparency and immutability, lower transaction costs, and eliminate the need for a middleman.These are needed to develop blockchain app development.


Because everyone in the network can see and validate transactions, there is no need for a centralized database with a blockchain network. This builds network participants' trust and transparency.


Switching to the blockchain involves a lot of considerations. Selecting the right blockchain framework to run your business is one of the most fundamental considerations.


There are too many blockchain development frameworks to cover in a single blog post. Instead, we'll concentrate on six of the most well-known and widely used blockchain frameworks:


Hyperledger Fabric

Ethereum-based blockchain technology.




Sawtooth Hyperledger

We'll look at the consensus algorithms, ledger types, cryptocurrency support, and smart contract support.


What exactly is blockchain technology?

Like a peer-to-peer network, blockchain is built on decentralized networking technology. The decentralization of blockchain works in the same way that Napster's decentralization does: each party in the network is linked to the others. This isn't your typical client-server setup. Each node functions as both a client and a server in a blockchain network.


The nodes in a blockchain network keep and share a public database, ledger, or record. This ledger keeps track of network transactions verified by the network's majority consensus. The ledger is broadcast to all nodes in the network once a new transaction has been verified and entered into it. The nodes will have access to the most up-to-date ledger.


It's easy to see why businesses from all walks of life turn to blockchain technology to facilitate secure transactions of valuable assets like digital files, properties, currency, and more.


Without further ado, let's look at six of the most popular frameworks for creating blockchain-based applications. We'll highlight key features and analyze strengths and weaknesses to help you make a more informed decision when building your blockchain network.




The Ethereum blockchain development platform is the most popular and widely used globally. It is, after all, the first blockchain development platform. It was founded in 2015 and introduced the smart contract, a revolutionary feature.


A smart contract is a program with functions and states in it. On the Ethereum blockchain, each smart contract runs on a unique address. Smart contracts can send transactions and maintain balance because they are autonomous accounts on Ethereum.


The Ethereum Virtual Machine is an additional fantastic Ethereum (EVM) feature. EVM is a virtual machine that runs on Ethereum accounts and smart contracts.


You can use the EVM to create Ethereum-based decentralized apps (DApps). DApps are being used in fields as diverse as healthcare, logistics, real estate, the legal system, and many others.


Solidity - the programming language used to create Ethereum smart contracts. Ethereum is a permissionless ledger that is available to the general public. Proof of work, which is slow, is used as its consensus mechanism.


Ether is the name of the Ethereum cryptocurrency. The Ethereum blockchain requires Ether to create and initialize a transaction.


2.Hyper ledger Fabric 


The Hyperledger Hub has created Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned distributed ledger framework. The Linux Foundation's Hyperledger Hub project aims to open up the development of both centralized and decentralized blockchain platforms. Hyperledger frameworks are most commonly used frameworks.


Fabric is intended for businesses that want to use, integrate, or create blockchain-based solutions and applications.


Because of its permissioned ledger type and modular architecture, Hyperledger Fabric is similar to Ethereum. Fabric's modularity allows you to choose your preferred services through a plug-and-play interface, such as the consensus algorithm and smart contract types.


Smart contracts can be used with Hyperledger Fabric. Fabric supports Go, Java, and JavaScript for smart contracts.


If you run into issues that aren't addressed in the documentation, the Hyperledger Fabric team has offered to help.


3.Hyperledger Sawtooth


Hyperledger Sawtooth is a Hyperledger-based distributed ledger system.

Hyperledger Sawtooth is another Hyperledger Hub-developed modular blockchain platform for building distributed ledger applications and networks. Hyperledger Sawtooth was started by  Linux Foundation and is now maintained by IBM and Digital Assets.


Hyperledger Sawtooth is used by businesses to create scalable and reliable systems and highly secure blockchain solutions. Hyperledger Sawtooth has a permissioned ledger type, similar to Fabric and Ethereum.


Hyperledger Sawtooth comes with several advanced features and integrations, such as:


  • Seth (Sawtooth-Ethereum) is a Hyperledger Sawtooth integration project that allows Ethereum smart contracts deployed on the platform.

  • When compared to other blockchain platforms, this allows for faster transaction processing.

  • A dynamic, undefined consensus protocol in which the consensus algorithm can be changed.

Hyperledger Sawtooth includes several consensus algorithms, including:


  • PoET (proof of elapsed time) is a consensus algorithm that uses secure instruction execution to achieve the scaling benefits of a Nakamoto-style consensus algorithm without the power consumption issues of the proof of work algorithm.

  • Raft is a consensus engine that uses and is based on Raft.To arrive at a value and decide, this consensus uses the logs of relatively unrelated subproblems.

  •  PBFT (practical Byzantine fault tolerance) is a voting-based algorithm that uses dynamic network membership, regular view changes, and block catch-up procedure features to vote for an agreement among the network's participants. 

On GitHub, you can look at the Hyperledger Sawtooth source code.




Block. one launched EOSIO in 2018, a high-performance open-source blockchain platform. EOSIO is a platform for building blockchain applications that are quick, dependable, and secure.


You can use EOSIO's existing networks to deploy smart contracts. You can also create your EOSIO networks and use them to execute smart contracts.


C++ is the programming language used by EOSIO smart contracts. Visit the official EOSIO documentation to learn how to write and deploy smart contracts.


EOSIO has some unique selling points, despite its lack of popularity compared to Ethereum. EOSIO is the blockchain platform of choice for developers because:


  • Quick and easy

  • Flexible in design

  • Safe and sound.

  • Compatible in every way

  • Developer-focused

The EOSIO website, as a cherry on top, does an excellent job of keeping the community up to date on the most recent news and events.


5. Corda


In 2015, the R3 Consortium released Corda, an open-source blockchain platform. Corda was created with financial institutions, but it has since expanded to include healthcare, insurance, digital assets, and finance. "The DLT platform of choice for financial services and beyond," says the next-generation blockchain framework.


You can write and deploy smart contracts on the Corda blockchain because it has a permission ledger type and supports the smart contract feature. Java or Kotlin can be used to create Corda smart contracts.


Because the platform doesn't have a mining feature, most nodes never see a portion of the transactions. In other words, not all nodes can participate in Corda transactions. Corda does not have any cryptocurrency or tokens.


Corda has a pluggable consensus, which means it can choose from several consensus algorithms.


Validity and uniqueness are both agreed upon by Corda:


  • Validity consensus verifies that the transaction has all the required signatures and is accepted by all state and input contracts.

  • A unique consensus agrees on a value if the transaction's inputs are unique and have not been used in other transactions.



Quorum is an Ethereum-based open-source blockchain. It was created in 2016 to serve the financial industry by allowing businesses to "leverage Ethereum for their high-value blockchain applications."


JP Morgan recently sold Quorum to ConsenSys. Microsft, JP Morgan, Covantis, South African Reserve Bank, SiaChain, Komgo, and others are among the companies that trust Quorum and have implemented it in their operations.


Quorum assists businesses interested in implementing the blockchain platform. It has a permissioned ledger type, but it can also be customized to meet the client's needs. Quorum also supports smart contracts as well as public and private networks.


Quorum's smart contracts are written in Solidity, just like Ethereum's, making the transition from Ethereum to Quorum very simple. Quorum's consensus algorithm is based on voting, and it accepts transactions and blocks based on the number of votes they receive from nodes.


See the official Quorum developer docs for more information on how to get started with the blockchain platform.




There are a lot of blockchain development frameworks out there, but the ones listed here are the most popular.


We covered the basics of blockchain, how it's changing the world and the most popular blockchain app development platforms in this guide. We looked at each platform's strengths and weaknesses, common use cases, and the consensus algorithms, ledger types, and supported cryptocurrencies.


Blockchain is a difficult concept to grasp with all of the different platforms available for developing blockchain-based apps. Please start with the fundamentals, figure out how they work under the hood, and work your way up there. Keep an eye out for more blockchain-related content in the future!


Posted in: Business, Technology
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