Elsie lia
by on February 7, 2023

In my opinion, this is the best method of tackling the problems of the world. This is why I decided to join the ActionCOACH Foundation last November. The reason is that I believe that we can make this steam educational games planet a healthier place live in by addressing many of the issues plaguing humanity. There is a place and time to give, charity on its own cannot solve the issues that our world faces. I believe that the long-term solution requires more...it is self-empowerment and education.

Have a look at these seventeen Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs which the world's leaders of the U.N. Summit in 2015 decided to tackle the world's most pressing problems. The goal of ending poverty is at the top of the list.

  1. Stop the cycle of poverty
  2. Improve nutrition and end hunger and ensure sustainable agriculture
  3. Promot wellbeing for all ages
  4. Provide a quality, equitable education
  5. Achieve gender equality
  6. Provide water and sanitation to everyone
  7. Provide access to the latest energy to all
  8. Encourage sustainable economic growth and create productive jobs
  9. Create a an infrastructure that is resilient and ingenuous
  10. Reduce the inequality
  11. Create settlements that are secure, durable and long-lasting
  12. Create sustainable production and consumption patterns
  13. Get immediate action to fight climate change
  14. Save and sustainably utilize the Earth's water
  15. Develop sustainable land use forests and ecosystems, and stop and reverse the process of the loss of biodiversity and land degradation.
  1. Promot peaceful societies, offer access to justice and develop credible accountable institutions
  2. Incorporate and renew and revitalize Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Empowering the next generation of leaders

As I go through the list, it becomes evident to me that providing business education is the most effective solution to the majority of world's challenges. The fact is, having the availability of education can steam activities for preschoolers lift people up. A solid business education can inspire people to create companies. Entrepreneurs tend to run economies, contributing create wealth and prosperity by creating jobs, and increasing demand and supply. They are also the most enthusiastic problem solvers and innovators...to tackle the other issues that are on the list.

In empowering young people to exercise their entrepreneurial spirit , and helping them become successful in this, Action COACH Foundation is empowering the next generation of leaders. The Foundation also provides pro bono business coaching for leadership in nonprofits that dramatically increases the impact of charitable organizations in their communities both now and in the near future.

Young adults as well as nonprofit leadership

I am impressed by the vision of the Action COACH Foundation in order to "Ignite the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Youth Worldwide" and the Action COACH vision of "World Abundance Through Business Re-education" is clearly a description of the end goal the 17 goals.

If you'd like to learn more about how you can stop talking about the world's problems and help in solving them in the most impactful way possible, visit action coach foundation and get involved. Action COACH Foundation is all about doing things with purpose, as that's the way we can change the world.

Action COACH Foundation was founded by Brad Sugars in 2018 to spark the entrepreneurial spirit of youngsters around the world through providing an education in business for free to young adults as well as nonprofit leadership. Learn more at Action COACHF oundation.

Topics: steam education
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