by on January 4, 2022

During the Zero Chill holiday, Madden 22 kept getting new content in Ultimate Team, but all good things must end. Madden 22 Zero Chill has been going on for several weeks. Many players have already bought Madden Coins and got a lot of powerful player cards, but even this exciting plan cannot last forever. The holidays unfreeze, so as the Pro Bowl and Super Bowl approach, Ultimate Team must make way for new promotions, such as Team of the Year.

Zero Chill will end on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, so players only have over one week left to complete the Zero Chill plan. At the end, the main part of the plan disappears and the end of the new content also drops. Ultimate Team will not miss a beat, but when this promotion ends, it will provide something other than Zero Chill.

The first thing that will happen at the end of Zero Chill is that all snowflakes for the players will expire and will no longer be usable currency. In the past, expired it converted program currencies to other types of MUT Coins, but there is no official news about whether this will happen this year. Therefore, players should use their snowflakes as much as possible before the end of the plan, as they may be completely useless or converted to weaker options after January 5, 2022. Certain aspects of the plan should be kept, the most important being Sets, which allows you to submit players and get some of the best benefits of the game long after the plan ends.

The scenarios for all major promotions this year are still valid, including Most Feared and Harvest, but the other parts of the plan will not last that long. EA did not specify the duration of the challenges and tasks, but as of now, they seem to keep the challenges and tasks of the current program and the previous program active at all times. This means that as Zero Chill continues, some harvesting challenges and missions are still valid, but other past challenges and missions are now gone. After January 5th, players may try to pass them again and unlock players, but the safest thing to do is to hone as much as possible and buy MUT Coins before the end of Zero Chill.

Posted in: Family & Home
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