by on January 12, 2022

It is the dream of women to have smooth and elastic hair. Although we can achieve the goal through various external maintenance, the internal supplement can provide essential nourishment to the hair. In this issue, let's follow the advice of the British "Women's Village" magazine, go into the kitchen, and discover the good ingredients for hair growth.

Shellfish red meat prevents hair loss. Shellfish is not only nutritious and delicious, but also rich in zinc, an essential mineral for the human body, and it is an important substance for preventing hair loss. Studies have found that zinc can also promote cell regeneration. Other zinc-rich ingredients include red meat and whole foods. wheat grains.

Beer bananas repair dry hair. The rich foam of beer contains a healthy substance, silicon, which can make hair thicker and more elastic, and some studies have found that silicon can repair dry and brittle hair. Drinking UK recommends drinking no more than 300ml a day for women and 500ml for men. Other sources of silicon are bananas and root vegetables.

Strawberry Tomato nourishes the scalp. Vitamin C is very important to the body's blood circulation, allowing the blood to better nourish the skin and scalp, which in turn helps maintain the oil on the hair and scalp, making the hair look shiny and healthy. Good sources of vitamin C are strawberries, tomatoes, etc. Mushroom eggs improve hair quality. Mushrooms are not only rich in antioxidants, but also rich in pantothenic acid, which is a commonly used nutrient in shampoos and is good for blood circulation and metabolism in the scalp and hair follicles. Pantothenic acid also helps to improve gray hair, prevent hair loss and more. Eggs and corn are also good sources of pantothenic acid.

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