Albina N muro

The music business has existed for many years, but over the years it has had to adapt to all the digital trends and advances of the moment. Before the digital age, different musical strategies had to be applied to ensure that the song or album reached the largest possible audience get sound cloud plays.

Increasingly, the music industry is taking giant steps towards digitalization and content creators must fight to be on the charts of streaming platforms. 

But... What do you achieve by being number one on the hit list? That is one of the big questions that many people in the music industry ask themselves, and that is, What measures the success of an artist in today's music industry?

Followers and statistics:
In a year without tours, it is difficult to be able to measure exactly what an artist's success is like when releasing a new song. For this reason, more and more priority is given to the digital graphics and statistics of the platforms. These show exactly the degree of involvement of each follower. 

During 2020, Spotify commented that a new way to measure an artist's success is the number of followers, because the follower is a much more mysterious marker.

Digital platforms can get an artist a high monthly reach of listeners or millions of streams, but in general users have little brand awareness, that is, people know the song but not the artist.

The ratio of followers to streams is an indicator of interest in an artist versus diverse streams generated by playlists and algorithms. Because that means the artist brand really is a hit, and not just a song. 

AI lowers the barrier to entry for the music industry
A great song is a combination of the creative spark of some and the technical knowledge of others. Behind each song there is a great process from the beginning until it ends up playing on the radio or on digital platforms. 

One of the most necessary processes before releasing a song is mastering . And this is where artificial intelligence is gradually being introduced, to optimize and help A&R professionals to facilitate their work with assistive technology. Since with 20,000 songs uploaded to Spotify every day, the exploration work becomes increasingly laborious. 

Reach Efficiency
One of the most used digital services at La Cupula Music is digital promotion . Why? Nothing more and nothing less because it helps the song reach a much larger audience and have greater reach. Even so, an artist should not forget to generate organic actions that also provoke interaction and reach of followers, since this will measure success by how far the reach of the song has reached. For example, if in the video clip, in addition to a large number of views, it was also shared, commented, sent to friends or written about in the press.

An artist's social networks, especially Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, Twitter and now also Twitch, are very important tools to promote artists' music. 

Digital and physical consumption
It is true that the digital age has opened many opportunities to promote a musician's material, but we must not forget that this is not the only way to promote oneself and measure the success of an artist. Although now is not the best time for the physical sale of music, it is still present and this does not mean that in the future, which we hope will be near, concerts will not return, where fans really have direct contact with the music.

The pandemic has greatly affected the physical music industry of festivals and concerts, and for that reason, more than ever, we must remember how necessary physical contact is. For this reason, we must not leave aside physical services such as the manufacturing of CDs or vinyl , which are also very important to measure the success of any artist. 

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