Celine anderson

Tech Stack is a combination of tools & technologies used for the development process. In Web 3.0, the web3 engineers use specific tech stacks with some unique functionalities such as

Web3 SDK & Dapps: Web3 SDKs or libraries is one of the important technologies for developing any kind of dApps. These libraries offer the functionality of interaction with blockchains such as Ethereum, conduct transactions, etc. Some of the important SDKs are web3.js, web3.py, and ethers.js

Cryptocurrency Wallets: A web3 developer should have a well-knowledge of crypto wallets. Web3 processes will require crypto wallets. While writing protocols on the blockchain there would be a requirement of fees that should be paid from the crypto wallets. Web3 developers can create wallets with common languages or can get already existing wallets such as Metamask, Phantom wallet, etc.

Smart Contracts: Generally, smart contracts are a set of protocols developed on the blockchain. Usually, the smart contract executes its functionalities when the required conditions are met.

Nodes: Nodes help the dApps to contact smart contracts & which will be connected with the blockchain & retains a copy of it. Generally, the quick node is one of the widely used technologies in terms of blockchain-based platforms.

If you are interested in Web 3.0 you can know more about in our official page: Web 3 Development

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