Hiranandani Hospital

Chronic kidney disease is characterized by a gradual and cumulative loss of kidney function over many years. This disease frequently goes unnoticed and undiagnosed until the condition has progressed significantly. Generally, people don't realize they have chronic kidney failure until their kidney function has dropped to 25 per cent of normal. This is harmful to the body.

However, chronic kidney disease treatment focuses on slowing the progression of kidney damage. Without artificial filtering (dialysis) or a kidney transplant, chronic kidney disease may progress to end-stage kidney failure, which can be fatal. In order to educate patients regarding the pros and cons of treatment, proper counseling sessions are provided by the hospitals. Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant department has a good Kidney disease treatment centre.

Changes in GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) help in identifying the rate of kidney damage and are divided into five stages. (GFR is a measurement of how much blood your kidneys filter in one minute).

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