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 The best months to visit Houston are from February to April. Tourists can also visit it between September & November when the weather is pleasant. 

Those having a trip to Houston on their cards look for the best time to visit this destination. It is a wise approach before planning a holiday there as travelers know how to prepare and pack for their Houston vacation. As Houston stands close to the Gulf of Mexico, it largely experiences warm weather. 

However, spring and fall seasons are pleasant here that also come with festivals., thereby, vacationers have more reasons to enjoy their holiday here. Know more about the best months to visit Houston TX in the account below. 

Weather in Houston

To get an idea of the best months to visit Houston TX, here is the month-wise description that follows - 

February to April

Houston is best enjoyed during these months as temperatures range between mid-60s to the upper 70s. These are the best months to visit Minute Maid Park where a ball game starts in April. Late February or March mark the Livestock Show and Rodeo, the largest event of Houston. 

Tourists can indulge in several outdoor activities and visit attractions such as Buffalo Bayou and the zoo. They can also savor the culinary delights here and sip on their favorite drinks in the outdoor restaurants. Book Emirates Airlines Holiday Packages to Houston for a pocket-friendly trip. 

May to August

These months witness the onset of summers that are scorching and humid. Mercury remains between low to upper 90s. Tourists must pack light and be ready to combat the sweat and stickiness that these months bring. Since the season is not-so-favorable for trips, hotels drop their tariff. 

Apart from blazing heat, thunderstorms are frequent during the noon-time. At times, thunderstorms turn severe. Precipitations are in varied forms that include hail. 

September to November

Come September and Fall season begins in Houston. It is a refreshing whiff from the sweltering heat of the past months. Although the temperatures dip to make the surrounding and weather pleasant, travelers must be prepared for hurricanes that stretch their presence in Houston during these months. Storms hit Houston and Galveston areas. 

However, these are the most visited months of Houston. So, it is good to book tickets and hotel accommodation much in advance. Also, it is difficult to find deals or discounts on hotel stays. Tourists can save with Emirates Group Booking to visit Houston. And take up discounts or deals that Emirates offers for group travel. 

December to January

Bringing the coldest season, December and January offer great times to explore around. However, freezing temperatures are rare. These months have fewer festivals and those that are held are usually related to vacations. 

Moreover, it is easy to get accommodation within a set budget during these months. So, visiting Houston in these winter months is a great idea. 

In Conclusion 

So, tourists can grab a Houston trip as per their budget in summer. With even the locals visiting destinations that have pleasant weather during summers, tourists get more spaces that are free from crowds. They just have to come prepared to beat the heat and humidity. 

Winters are mild with rare snowfall. However, when the sun sets, the temperatures dip too. So, tourists must pack their clothes so that they can dress up in layers as required. 


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