1. During the Booking Process

When you book your flight with Asiana Airlines, you will be given the option to select your seat during the booking process. This is the easiest and most convenient way to select your preferred seat. You can choose your seat by selecting your preferred seat number on the seat map, which will be displayed during the booking process. If you are traveling with someone, you can also select seats next to each other.

2. After Booking

If you did not select your seat during the booking process, or if you want to change your seat after booking, you can still select your seat through Asiana Airlines' website or mobile app. To do this, you will need to log in to your Asiana Club account and select the "Manage Reservation" option. From there, you can choose your preferred seat from the available options on the seat map. If you are traveling with someone, you can also select seats next to each other.

It is important to note that Asiana Airlines may charge a fee for seat selection, depending on your fare class and the type of seat you choose. Some fare classes may include seat selection as part of the ticket price, while others may require an additional fee. To avoid any surprises, make sure to check the Asiana Airlines Seat selection policy when booking your ticket, or contact Asiana Airlines directly for more information.


In conclusion, selecting your seat on Asiana Airlines is easy and convenient, whether you choose to do so during the booking process or after booking. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that you have the best possible flight experience and enjoy your journey to the fullest.

Visit:- https://www.exoltech.us/blogs/72452/How-to-Select-Your-Seat-on-Asiana-Airlines

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