by on June 1, 2023

The Social Security Organization (SOCSO) plays a vital role in ensuring the social welfare and protection of employees in Malaysia. Employers are required to register with SOCSO to provide coverage for their employees in the event of work-related accidents, occupational diseases, or disabilities. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to SOCSO registration in Malaysia, highlighting the importance of compliance and outlining the registration process.


Understanding SOCSO: 

SOCSO, sometimes referred to as PERKESO (Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial), is a federal agency in charge of managing the nation's social security programme. Its main goal is to give employees who experience occupational illnesses or work-related injuries financial and medical benefits, as well as to their dependents in the event of disability or death.


Coverage and Contributions: 

With a few exceptions, SOCSO coverage is required in the private sector for all employers and their employees. SOCSO coverage is available to workers making RM3,000 or less per month. A portion of employee pay must be paid by employers into the SOCSO fund, and employees must also contribute a small amount.


Registration Interaction:

a. Manager Registration:

To register with SOCSO, managers must complete the Business Registration Structure (Structure 1) and submit it to the nearest SOCSO office or through the web-based portal. The structure requires details, for example, the organization's name, business registration number, work locale, and the quantity of representatives. Supporting documents, for example, the organization's registration certificate, ought to be attached to the application.


b. Worker Registration:

After registering as a business, the next step is to register representatives with SOCSO. Managers must complete the Worker Registration Structure (Structure 2) for every representative and submit it alongside the important documents to the SOCSO office or through the web-based portal. The structure requires details, for example, the representative's name, identification number, employment start date, and compensation information.


Contribution Payment:

Businesses are answerable for calculating and remitting the monthly SOCSO contributions for their representatives. The contribution rate relies upon the worker's compensation bracket, and the business' portion is for the most part higher than the representative's portion. Contributions must be paid by the 15th of every month to keep away from penalties.


SOCSO Benefits:

Once registered with SOCSO, representatives are entitled to different benefits, including:


Health advantages: 

Representatives get clinical treatment, hospitalization, and rehabilitation administrations related to business related wounds or ailments.

Disability Benefits: In the event of permanent disability, representatives get a disability annuity, contingent upon the severity of the disability.

Dependent's Benefits: 

In the event that a representative bites the dust because of a business related accident or occupational illness, their dependents are qualified for monthly annuities.

Memorial service Benefits: SOCSO gives a burial service benefit to assist with covering memorial service costs in the event of a worker's death.

Reporting Obligations:

Managers have reporting obligations to SOCSO, including:

Monthly Contributions Report: Managers must submit the Monthly Contribution Structure (Structure 8A) alongside the payment receipt to SOCSO by the 15th of every month.

Worker Updates: Bosses must advise SOCSO regarding any progressions in representatives' employment status, like termination, resignation, or pay adjustments, utilizing the Representative Update Structure (Structure 2A).

Consistence and Penalties:

Resistance with SOCSO registration and contribution requirements can result in penalties and lawful outcomes. Businesses who neglect to register or make timely contributions might be obligated for fines, prosecution, or imprisonment. It is essential for businesses to satisfy their obligations to guarantee the government assistance and protection of their representatives and keep away from lawful repercussions.


SOCSO registration is a crucial responsibility for employers in Malaysia, providing social security coverage for employees and ensuring their well-being in the workplace. By understanding the importance of compliance, completing the registration process accurately, and fulfilling reporting obligations, employers can contribute to a safe and secure working environment while adhering to the country's labor laws. Seeking guidance from relevant authorities or professional consultants can further streamline the registration process and ensure compliance with SOCSO regulations.


For more details, click on Odint Consulting

Posted in: Business
Topics: malaysia
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