by on October 14, 2023

There's a total of seven weekly quests you can take on and Wintergrasp will grant you WoTLK Gold points each giving you nearly 26.000 honor for the simple act of completing these quests. But some of them need to be completed in the actual fight for Wintergrasp. In addition, you'll get 10 Stones of cheaper shards for each quest completed which can be exchanged at the Wintergrasp quartermaster's office to purchase items.

Your faction needs to be under the control of Wintergrasp to be able to access this quartermaster. I am not sure what a five-season season Phase One winter dress quartermaster's outfit will cost therefore I am unable to provide any insight to exactly which pieces are available starting on the first day.

However, you should be able buy the winter grass combos for 30 Stone keeper shards , which will grant you 2000 honor when clicking them. It's good. You might also be able to buy WoTLK Classic Gold the head and chance as along with some other enhancements from the player.

Posted in: Entertainment
Topics: wotlk gold
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