Edd Parker
by on February 15, 2024

Selecting the ideal eyewear involves more considerations than just vision correction and style; it also involves longevity and durability. The ability of glasses to withstand regular wear and tear is crucial when choosing glasses that will last for a long time. Let's explore the significance of resistance and how it affects the glasses you select.


Understanding Impact-resistant lenses

What exactly are lenses that resist impact?  Lenses with impact resistance are made to survive hard, abrupt hits that could otherwise seriously harm your eyes. Your eyes are constantly in danger of being struck by flying items, particles, or even the Armourx safety frames when you are playing high-impact sports or just going about your everyday business. You can be confident that your vision and eyes are fully protected from such events if you use impact-resistant lenses like Armourx safety glasses.


What is the composition of impact-resistant lenses?  

Compared to ordinary plastic lenses, impact-resistant lenses are created out of robust and durable materials like polycarbonate or Trivex. These materials are designed with the express purpose of distributing impact force and absorbing stress, therefore reducing the possibility of chips, cracks, or shattering. As a result, even if your safety specs are dropped or damaged, there is a decreased chance that the lenses will shatter and shards of glass or plastic could end up in your eyes.


Are lenses that resist the impact of higher quality?

The higher optical quality that impact-resistant lenses provide over ordinary plastic lenses is another advantage. It is because materials resistant to impact have a greater refractive index, which allows them to bend light more effectively and produce sharper, more distinct vision. 

Furthermore, a lot of impact-resistant lenses have sophisticated coatings like anti-glare or anti-scratch that improve their functionality and longevity even more. If one wishes to guarantee the long-term health and security of their eyes, Armourx prescription safety glasses with impact-resistant lenses are an absolute necessity. 

When choosing lenses for sunglasses or safety glasses, be sure to choose impact-resistant models that are composed of premium materials, have excellent optical efficiency, and are built to last for daily wear. Investing in impact-resistant lenses will provide you with optimal protection, sharp vision, and increased peace of mind.


The Function of Impact-Resistant Lenses

Impact-resistant lenses work well because of their capacity to both absorb and distribute impact energy. The material's molecular composition enables it to flex and absorb energy when a thing strikes the lens as opposed to shattering into dangerously sharp bits like glass. Here's how it operates in detail: 

  • Energy Absorption: The outermost layers of the eyewear lens do not break upon impact; instead, they may dent or distort somewhat. Rather, they start to disperse and absorb the impact's energy.

  • Energy Dispersal: The lens's impact-resistant core is specially made to effectively absorb and distribute energy. It lessens the chance of eye injury by distributing the force across a wider region.

  • Minimal Harm: Although the lens may exhibit minor imperfections like chips or dents, its overall structure is unaltered, shielding the eye from severe injury.


Sturdiness and Your Way of Life

The materials used to make eyeglasses can have a big impact on how resistant it is to dents, scratches, and other common accidents. Consider the following:

  • Impact Resistance

Glasses are susceptible to drops and knocks, and accidents do happen. Because of their exceptional impact resistance, materials like Trivex and polycarbonate are recommended for active lifestyles and children's safety glasses.

  • Scratch Resistance 

Lens clarity may be impacted over time by small scratches. You can increase the life of your Armourx glasses and maintain good vision by choosing lenses with an anti-scratch coating.

  • Frame Quality 

The safety eyewear frame material is equally significant as the lenses. Metal materials like titanium are extremely lightweight and sturdy, whereas acetate glass frames provide flexibility and durability.


Defense and Lens Coatings

Extra lens coatings can improve your eyewear's resistance overall and improve its protective qualities:

  • UV Protection: To protect your eyes and prolong the life of the lenses, a protective film that blocks UV rays is necessary.

  • Blue Light Filtering: As screen time increases, blue light-filtering lenses can lessen the strain on the eyes and possibly improve sleep patterns. For people who spend several hours in front of laptops blue light-filtering lenses are a great choice.

  • Anti-Reflective Coatings: These lessen reflections and glare, improving visibility and easing eye strain in a range of lighting scenarios.

  • Scratch-Resistant Coating: An exterior coating that helps shield the lens from small cuts and scratches while maintaining optical clarity.

By selecting lenses of Armourx safety glasses with these shielding coatings, you improve the eyewear's resistance while simultaneously investing in your eyes' comfort and well-being.


Comfort and Fit of the Frame

Getting the ideal fit is crucial to your eyewear's durability. Unfitting glasses are more likely to fall off, which raises the possibility of injury. The following suggestions will help to guarantee a good fit:

  • Take an exact measurement of your pupillary distance to make sure your lenses fit your eyes properly and offer the best possible comfort and vision.

  • Depending on how sensitive your skin is, take into account various frame materials. Certain materials are better suitable for delicate skin than others, such as hypoallergenic titanium.

  • Before making a purchase, take advantage of the virtual try-on option to see how the frames suit the shape and size of your face.

  • Keep in mind that comfortable glasses aren't as apt to be used roughly or changed frequently, which increases their resilience to wear.



Choosing glasses wisely has many benefits than just looks. It's about understanding impact resistance, realizing the protective benefits of lens coatings, and making sure your frames fit properly for comfort and longevity. By taking these factors into account, you're purchasing a pair of Armourx glasses that will support you with sturdiness and clarity during the ups and downs of life, rather than just any old pair of glasses.

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