by on April 24, 2024

Did you know that according to the American Psychological Association, play is not just essential for kids; it can be an important source of relaxation and stimulation for adults as well? 


Engaging in playful activities throughout our lives can lead to being more creative, problem-solving, and better at relationships with others. Moreover, it is estimated that engaging in childhood-like play can improve mental health and emotional well-being in adults, with a significant reduction in stress levels, according to a study by the National Institute for Play.


As adults, we often become disconnected from this playful side, the part that embodies our inner child. But what is this inner child? 


It is the echo of the child we once were. We all have an inner child, and it represents our first original self that entered the world; it contains our capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness. Unfortunately, if our inner child is neglected or wounded through early trauma, neglect, or other life experiences, it can affect our adult lives. 

Inner child healing is an essential step towards emotional health and wellness. It can be a transformative process that can lead to a more vibrant, fulfilled life.


Now, let's delve into five healthy exercises that can significantly contribute to the healing of your inner child.


Dance Like Nobody’s Watching


Imagine yourself in a room with your favorite music playing. You close your eyes and start moving to the beat. There is no one to judge you, no standards to meet, just the pure joy of movement. This is the essence of dancing like nobody’s watching. It’s a form of release that encourages us to let go of the rigidness that we carry in our bodies and our minds.


For many of us, dancing was a natural part of childhood, a way we expressed joy and excitement. Rekindling this form of expression can have a surprisingly powerful impact on our well-being.


When we dance, we activate various parts of our brain, including those linked to muscle memory, coordination, and rhythm. But more importantly, we activate the parts connected to pleasure and reward. 


By permitting ourselves to move without self-critique, we do more than just exercise our bodies. We are telling our inner child that it’s okay to play, to be free, and that it’s safe to express emotions. As adults, we often hide our feelings to meet the expectations of decorum and responsibility.


Dancing breaks down these walls and can be a profound step in the journey of inner child healing.


Creative Playtime For Your Inner Child 

Remember the feeling of opening a new box of crayons? The smell, the collection of colors, the endless possibilities. 


As children, this simple pleasure could provide hours of engagement. As adults, we might view coloring or drawing as trivial, but these acts have the power to reconnect us with a part of ourselves that we’ve often left behind in childhood. 


Creative playtime is not about producing a masterpiece; it’s about the process, the experience of creating something uniquely yours.


Coloring can generate a meditative state, quieting the mind and allowing us to switch off from external stressors. Choosing colors and filling in the spaces requires just enough attention to keep us engaged, but not so much that it becomes stressful. It's a delicate balance that can lead to a state of flow, where time seems to pass without notice, and we are fully immersed in the activity at hand. 


This flow state is similar to the absorption we experienced in childhood play, making it a powerful tool for inner child healing.

A Walk In The Nature 

Take a moment to think about the last time you sat on the grass and looked up at the sky, noticing the shapes of the clouds or the hues of blue. 


In our modern lives, these moments are rare. Yet, they are crucial for our mental and emotional health. A nature walk is not just a physical activity; it's a form of therapy. It's an opportunity to connect with the earth, breathe fresh air, and remember life's simplicity through a child's eyes.


Scientific research backs up the benefits of spending time in nature, showing improvements in mood, stress reduction, and even cognitive function. 


For our inner child, nature can be a playground of wonders. The rustle of leaves, the patterns of bark on a tree, and the bird's flight can awaken a sense of wonder and curiosity that is healing and invigorating. 

By engaging in nature walks, we are not just healing our inner child; we are honoring it, allowing it to come forth, and reminding ourselves of our natural connection to the world around us.


Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is like a gentle hand leading you back to your childhood self, that part of you that may have been forgotten or ignored. It's a practice that encourages you to build a compassionate relationship with your inner child. 


Through visualization and directed thought, guided meditation creates a safe space for your inner child to come forward and be seen, heard, and comforted.


In these meditative journeys, you can offer kindness and support to your younger self, perhaps providing the reassurance that was lacking during difficult times. This process can be deeply healing, as it allows you to address unresolved emotions and traumas in a safe and controlled environment. 


The guidance provided in these sessions ensures that you are not alone as you navigate the complexities of your emotions, making it an effective tool for inner child healing.


Playful Movement

Think back to the days of recess, where the only goal was to play and enjoy movement. As adults, we often exercise with specific aims - to lose weight, build muscle, and compete. But what if we included playful movement purely for the joy of it? 


This might include jumping rope, playing a game of tag, or tossing a ball around. These activities don't just get our hearts pumping; they reintroduce us to the concept of play for play's sake.


Engaging in playful movement can awaken the memories of carefree days and the feelings associated with them. This is not just nostalgic; it's a way of telling our inner child that it's still okay to play. 


It reminds us that exercise doesn't have to be a chore; rather, it can be a source of happiness and a way to celebrate what our bodies can do. Plus, it enhances our emotional flexibility, teaching us to embrace life's ups and downs with a more youthful, resilient attitude.


Summing It Up

Incorporating these exercises into your routine doesn't require an inner child course or attending inner child healing courses. You can start right where you are, willing to connect with and nurture your inner self.


The journey of inner child healing is unique for everyone and can be supported by various resources, such as an inner child online course, which can offer guidance and structure to those seeking a deeper understanding of their inner child. 


However, the path to healing is often found in the simple act of allowing yourself to experience joy, playfulness, and emotional release through these exercises.


By dedicating time to healing your inner child, you are improving your emotional health and opening yourself up to a more joyful and fulfilling life. 


As adults, we owe it to our inner child to acknowledge and heal the past hurts and to embrace the pure, unfiltered joy of living. So, why not start today? Your inner child is waiting.

Posted in: Education, Health
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