by on May 14, 2024

Being in a body that feels uncomfortable can have a significant impact on a person’s mental and emotional health. Despite intense exercise and a calorie deficit, some localized fats simply refuse to go away. Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, the best liposuction surgeon in Delhi, says that fat in the love handles is the hardest to eliminate. They are primarily formed as a result of fat deposition that extends from the stomach area to the flanks and waist. This can be resolved with liposuction surgery. Let’s read about it in detail.

What are Love Handles?

Love handles are pockets of excess fat located on the sides of the waist. Individuals dislike them because they hang off the edges of their pants, giving them an unattractive appearance. Many people also call them “muffin tops.” Furthermore, it is critical to understand that spot fat reduction is a myth, which means that targeting specific areas of the body with exercises, such as the waist, will not reduce the size of these love handles. The only true natural ways to lose weight are caloric deficit diets and fat-burning exercises such as cardio.

What Causes Love Handles?

Fat has an unusual way of distributing throughout the body, making love handles difficult to get rid of. Genetics causes both men and women to accumulate fat around their abdomens. Also, fat accumulates in the flanks (love handles) as a result of aging, pregnancy, and hormonal changes. The body has a tendency to store this fat, especially in women, because it can serve as a source of energy and protection during pregnancy.

How Does Liposuction Surgery Help?

Liposuction is the most effective body contouring procedure for permanently getting rid of love handles. Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the targeted removal of fat cells from the love handle area through tiny incisions to allow access for specialized aspiration cannulas connected to vacuum suction machines. To achieve the best results, liposuction should be combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Many patients who had their love handles removed via liposuction are pleased with their new sculpted and toned appearance. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and the skin usually molds itself to the new shape of the body after the procedure.

Liposuction can help getting rid of love handles by:

  • Reducing inches around the waistline, thighs, and love handles
  • Improving body shape
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improving blood pressure levels
  • Providing fast recovery with minimal bleeding, bruising, and pain

What Happens After the Procedure?

After liposuction, the treatment area may be swollen and bruised for about four weeks. During this time, one will have to wear a compression garment to help reduce pain and swelling. Bruising and swelling should subside by about a week or two after the procedure.
For best results, liposuction should be combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and regular exercise. However, liposuction won’t give one a “perfect” figure. For example, if there’s a lot of fat surrounding the waist, liposuction can reduce the waist size, but it also depends on one’s bone structure.

Important Note: It is important to remember that liposuction is a body contouring procedure rather than a weight loss treatment. It helps to remove fat from specific areas of the body, so liposuction success is measured in terms of weight loss rather than inch loss.

What is the recovery time after liposuction for love handles?

Patients who undergo liposuction experience swelling and bruising, as well as loss of sensation in the affected area. These effects gradually subside over the next few weeks following the procedure. Medications are necessary for the first week. Strenuous activities are prohibited during the recovery period, but gentle movement is beneficial to circulation after love handle liposuction. The recovery time varies depending on the amount of fat being removed.

How to Maintain the Results of Liposuction Surgery?

The results of liposuction treatments are long-lasting, and the fat cells removed by liposuction cannot grow back. However, to keep the results for a longer period of time, the patient must maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. The downtime for liposuction is 2-7 days.

If one wants to get this treatment done and is looking for liposuction treatment in Delhi, one can consult with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at the Aestiva Clinic. The well-known doctor has almost two decades of combined experience as a general and plastic surgeon. She is known for performing effective liposuction techniques that produce optimal and natural-looking results.

If one has any further questions about the procedure, one can visit Aestiva Clinic today.

Posted in: Health
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