by on May 15, 2024

Product manufacturing is elevated to higher standards by high-end coatings and attractive colour schemes, leaving a long-lasting impression on a consumer’s mind. Manufacturers across industries use specific levels of coatings and color schemes on materials to ensure that products appeal to customers at first sight.

Mass production in manufacturing necessitates pre-testing on the color measurements of product surfaces to avoid losses due to faulty production. The Presto Group supplies a highly advanced and user-friendly lab testing instrument designed to measure colour differentiation on the surfaces of various products. For example, the NEXA automobile company is renowned for its signature NEXA blue colour coating on cars. Ensuring uniformity in color across all models is crucial for consumer satisfaction.

Simplify Color Measurement with the TP-800 Portable Spectrophotometer

The TP-800 portable spectrophotometer is a state-of-the-art lab testing instrument designed to make color measurement easy and accurate due to its portable build and single-handed testing module. The instrument not only allows for quick and simple testing but also delivers precise results.

Testing Module of the Portable Spectrophotometer

The TP-800 portable spectrophotometer is highly valued by customers and manufacturers for its straightforward testing module that delivers consistent results using various testing standards and parameters. Testing with this instrument is quick and simple. The process begins with removing the silicone cap from the instrument’s testing aperture.

It is essential to ensure that the specimen being tested is not smaller than 8 mm, as the testing aperture of the instrument, made with a silicone photodiode, is sized at 8 mm. The operator can turn the instrument on using a sliding switch and press the dedicated capacitive button for testing. Before conducting the test, the operator can adjust the tolerance settings on the wide LCD screen, setting the pass/fail criteria for color differentiation between two specimens.

Measurement Parameters of the Spectrophotometer

After pressing the capacitive button and adjusting the tolerance settings, the operator can view the results on the LCD screen. The instrument measures and displays results using the following parameters:

  1. L*: Lightness of the sample surface.

  2. a*: Position of the color on the red-green scale.

  3. b*: Position of the color on the blue-yellow scale.

  4. c*: Chromaticity levels of the surface.

  5. h*: Angular hue of the surface.

Advanced Features of the TP-800 Portable Spectrophotometer

The spectrophotometer for color matching comes with state-of-the-art features that facilitate rapid and accurate testing, helping manufacturers deliver top-quality products. One of the most advanced features is the array of 19 lights assembled in the instrument, enabling accurate results under varying conditions globally.

In addition to measuring color differentiation, the spectrophotometer offers various testing parameters such as:

  1. Color Fastness: The speed at which the color fades.

  2. Staining Fastness: The speed at which the color stains due to an external source.

  3. Whiteness Index: The position of the surface on the whiteness scale.

  4. Yellowness Index: The yellow properties of the surface quantified.

Another noteworthy feature is the instrument’s ability to store thousands of readings, with easy data retrieval in word format, thanks to SQC software. The instrument also includes a USB port and cable for efficient data collection.

Consistent and Precise Results

The spectrophotometer for colour matching allows testing at two different angular settings, enabling consistent and precise results regardless of the testing position. These features enhance testing standards and the overall functionality of the instrument.

Get Your TP-800 Portable Spectrophotometer Today

To compare the surfaces of different products with opaque materials, the TP-800 portable spectrophotometer is the ideal tool. For more information, visit our website here.

Book an order for this portable tool by calling us at +91 9210903903 or e-mail us at [email protected].

Posted in: Business
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