Sharly Smith
by on April 12, 2023


If you're traveling with Aeromexico and have a question or concern, you may want to talk to a live person to get the answers you need. Here's how to do it:


Dial the Aeromexico customer service number: The easiest way to Talk to a Live Person at Aeromexico is to call their customer service number. You can find this number on the Aeromexico website or your booking confirmation.


Listen to the options: When you call the customer service number, you will be presented with a list of options. Listen carefully to the menu and select the option that best matches your query. You may need to select "0" or "operator" to speak to a live person directly.


Wait for the representative: After you select the option to speak to a live person, you may be put on hold while you wait for a representative. This can take several minutes, so be patient and wait for your turn.


Explain your query: When the representative answers, explain your query clearly and concisely. They will likely ask for your booking reference or other details to help them locate your booking and provide the best solution.


Follow the instructions: The representative will provide instructions on how to resolve your query. Follow their instructions carefully and ask for clarification if needed.


By following these steps, you can quickly and easily talk to a live person at Aeromexico Customer Service Phone Number and get the help you need.

Posted in: Business
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