by on August 3, 2022

1. Calories
Therefore, pregnant women need to take in more nutrition than usual during pregnancy, and the average daily calorie requirement is 12.56 KJ (300 kcal) more than that of non-pregnant women. In addition to the normal diet, it is necessary to supplement the intake of protein, vitamins and minerals.
It provides sufficient amino acids for the body, is an important nutrient for active participation in development, such as the production of blood and muscle, and plays a role in strengthening the placenta and uterus. Insufficient protein intake will not only hinder the development of the fetus, 滴雞精功效but also cause metabolic abnormalities in the mother's body, leading to anemia, weakening the resistance to pathogenic bacteria, or becoming the cause of insufficient breast milk after delivery. Pregnant women should consume more lean meat, fish, milk, eggs, beans and other foods. If pregnant women can get about 80g of protein from the above-mentioned foods daily, it can basically meet the needs of pregnant women.
There are many kinds of vitamins, only a small amount can regulate the function of various organs of the body, is an important substance to regulate the physiological role. For example, vitamin A can maintain the integrity of epithelial cells, especially mucous membrane cells, resist infection and maintain the normal function of mucous membranes; it can enhance the ability to sense light and produce vision; vitamin C can lift the harmful ingredients in the body, maintain the permeability of capillaries and cell walls; folic acid deficiency can lead to anemia, and excessive deficiency can lead to nerve disorders, oral ulcers, etc. The synthesis and absorption of protein in early pregnancy, as well as the formation of blood and cells are essential for the formation of folic acid. Folic acid is essential for the synthesis and absorption of proteins and the formation of blood and cells in early pregnancy. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause pernicious anemia, or neurological disorders. 滴雞精價錢Vegetables, fruits and cereals contain many vitamins. To effectively ingest vitamins, care recipients should be instructed to choose their cooking techniques scientifically. For example, foods containing vitamin C should be eaten raw and should not be soaked in water for a long time or heated for too long; when heating is needed, it is advisable to use high temperature to finish processing in a short time to ensure the active ingredients. Vitamin B1 and vitamin C is easily destroyed by alkali, cooking porridge or beans and other prohibited alkali.
There are many types of minerals, including iron, calcium and sodium, which are closely related to pregnant women.
(1) Iron: is an important substance for blood production. Breast milk contains very little iron, the first 2 to 3 months after the birth of the baby's iron needs must be absorbed from the mother in the fetal period to store spare. Iron is needed for bleeding during delivery, postpartum recovery, and breast milk secretion, etc. Compared to non-pregnancy periods, 3mg more iron must be taken in early pregnancy and 8mg more per day from late pregnancy to lactation. Insufficient iron during pregnancy can lead to iron deficiency anemia, and may also induce comorbidities such as cardiomegaly and swelling. Iron can be taken from meat, beans, but also from fish, eggs, vegetables, if taken together with vitamin B12 and protein, will increase the effect of iron utilization.
(2) Calcium: Most of the calcium in the human body is found in bones and teeth, and only a very small portion is found in blood, muscle and nerve tissue. During pregnancy, pregnant women need about 1500mg of calcium per day for maternal storage and for the growth and development of fetal bone tissue, and when pregnant women are deficient in calcium, the lighter the lower back and leg pain, toothache, muscle spasms, the heavier the osteochondrosis and loose teeth, and affect the fetal bones and the development of the whole body. Foods containing calcium include small fish, seaweed, eggs, beans, dairy products, etc. Calcium preparations available on the market can also be supplemented. The preferred method of intake is from food.
(3) Sodium: It is closely related to water and salt metabolism in the body, especially to be alert to the tendency of sodium excess, and the daily salt is the main source of sodium. In fact, salt is not only used as a condiment, but also in the processing of many foods, which often already contain a considerable amount of salt. So to remind pregnant women from the purpose of preventing gestational hypertension syndrome, seasoning should be light, it is best not to eat salty and spicy food, such as salted vegetables, salted fish, salted eggs and other products.
(4) Nucleotides: nucleotides can promote the activity of other immune factors, making them more resistant to viruses and bacteria. Nucleotides also allow lactoferrin, which itself has no immune effect, to play the ability of immunity. Nucleotides improve the intestinal lining of breastfed babies and help probiotics to grow. [2] 
In addition to the above elements, the need for many trace elements such as zinc, magnesium and iodine increases during pregnancy. Deficiency of these elements affects fetal growth and the development of certain organs. These elements are widely found in milk, liver, cereals and seafood. A person's nutritional status is strongly influenced by individual dietary habits and the instructions received. For this reason, caregivers need to collect complete dietary information from pregnant women, assess their nutritional status comprehensively, and encourage pregnant women and their families to participate actively in developing a rational diet plan together under the guidance of caregivers.
5. Amino acids
Amino acids are the main components of protein synthesis in the human body and provide energy for the body and brain. Amino acids can provide essential nutrients for pregnant women and fetuses, especially arginine and histidine, which are helpful for fetal growth and development, and methionine, which can treat hematotoxicity in pregnant women.

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Posted in: Family & Home
Topics: health
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