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by on August 22, 2022

Another memorable experience in the lives of The Burning Crusade players came when they had to WOTLK Classic Gold replace their most cherished epic gear with a lowly green.

The bittersweet feeling of upgrading the gear you own that might have come about as the result of months of weekly raids using the random appearance of a green became the norm of operation in expansions.

However, it was not until the game was implemented in The Burning Crusade. Even the gear from Naxxramas as the final battle in the original game wasn't able to compete with the power boost of those first The Burning Crusade quest rewards.

The new World of Warcraft maximum limit of 70 levels was an accomplishment, but getting an air-borne mount was an even bigger one. These days, flying mounts are the most common method of getting around in World of Warcraft, but they were new to the game during The Burning Crusade.

Originally, this type of mount was available only in the Outlands and cost rather large sum buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold. It took some work however, the first time that the winged beast leapt up in the air was an investment worth it.

Posted in: Entertainment
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