Maks Romanov
by on January 31, 2022

To successfully pass the exam, it is not enough to know the material well, you need to learn how to write an essay on social studies.

Within the framework of it, it is important to be able to build causal relationships, formulate conclusions and draw conclusions, referring to the facts of social life and historical events.The article discusses how to create a competent plan and structure of the work, as well as several specific clichés and examples.
What is a social studies essay
The written part in social science consists of several parts:

text analysis
answers to specific questions

The last block is based on the fact that the graduate must choose one of several presented statements and formulate his thoughts about it, drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, or he can use the help of academic writers.The student must reflect his understanding of the topic, position on the issue under discussion and argue it, citing a few facts from public life or history.

Essay writing rules and evaluation criteria:
First of all, before write my paper it is necessary to determine the basic rules that should be followed when writing an essay, as well as what the reviewers will pay attention to.Before choosing a topic, one should carefully study not only the statements themselves, but also the area from which they are taken. It is important to be competent in the field of the chosen subject.The fact is that when writing, an important role will be played by correctly applied terminology.

The basic evaluation criteria are as follows:

Disclosing the meaning - what is described should show an understanding of the essence of the quote. Write as clearly and structured as possible. The reviewer should not have the feeling that the author simply reformulated the statements superficially.
The structure of the text, the logic of the narrative, the competent use of terms, the presence of conclusions after reflection and at the end of the essay are traced, all this can be found here .The quantity and quality of the applied arguments used by the examples should be related to the topic, reveal more deeply and reflect the position of the author of the work. It is recommended to use information from the media, literature, history. If there is a burning desire to make a personal argument, then it is worth veiling it under the wording in public life, you can meet the reflection of this.

More Resources:

Ultimate List of Writing How-To Books to Help College Students -

Best Books for Students for Self-development - Boove

Flexible Writing in Two Clicks | Your Bidforwriting - Autobala

How To Write A Movie Review: Guide For College Students - Jetset Times

How to write an expository essay: useful tips and advice - California News Times

Posted in: Education
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