Markin Tailor
by on May 19, 2024

Fiberglass doors have become a popular choice among homeowners for their durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you've chosen your door from a top fiberglass windows manufacturer or opted for custom fiberglass windows to complement your home's design, maintaining your fiberglass door is essential for ensuring it remains in top condition for years to come. Here are some expert tips on how to maintain your fiberglass door, keeping it looking as good as new.

Regular Cleaning

The first and most straightforward maintenance tip is regular cleaning. Fiberglass doors are relatively low maintenance compared to wood or steel doors, but they do require occasional cleaning to keep them looking their best. Use a mild soap mixed with water and a soft cloth or sponge to gently clean the door's surface. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the fiberglass surface and finish.

Inspect and Maintain the Finish

Over time, the finish on your fiberglass door may start to fade or wear due to exposure to the elements, especially if your door receives a lot of direct sunlight. To maintain the door's appearance, inspect the finish at least once a year. If you notice any signs of fading or wear, consider applying a new coat of exterior-grade, UV-resistant polyurethane paint or varnish. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for refinishing products to ensure compatibility with your door.

Check and Replace Weatherstripping

Proper weatherstripping is crucial for maintaining the energy efficiency of your fiberglass door. Over time, weatherstripping can become worn or damaged, leading to drafts and increased energy bills. Check the weatherstripping around your door annually and replace it if you notice any cracks, gaps, or signs of wear. Most weatherstripping can be easily replaced and is available at home improvement stores.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Like any door, the moving parts of your fiberglass door—such as hinges, locks, and handles—need occasional lubrication to function smoothly. Use a silicone-based lubricant (avoid petroleum-based products, as they can degrade certain materials) to lubricate these parts once a year. This will prevent squeaking and make the door easier to open and close.

Tighten Hardware

Regular use can cause the hardware on your door to become loose over time. Periodically check the screws on your door's hinges, handles, and lockset, and tighten any that are loose. This simple step can prevent bigger issues down the line and ensure your door functions properly.

Adjust and Align

If your fiberglass door starts to stick or doesn't close properly, it may need adjustment. Most doors will settle over time, which can affect their alignment. Check the alignment of your door and adjust the hinges as needed to ensure a smooth operation. If you're not comfortable making these adjustments yourself, consider hiring a professional.

Protect from Extreme Elements

Although fiberglass doors are built to withstand various weather conditions, extreme elements can still cause damage over time. If possible, install an awning or canopy over your door to protect it from direct sunlight, heavy rain, and snow. This additional protection can extend the life of your door and reduce the need for frequent maintenance.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your fiberglass door in top condition, ensuring it continues to enhance your home's curb appeal and functionality for years to come. Remember, regular maintenance not only keeps your door looking great but also helps preserve its energy efficiency and durability. Whether your door comes from a renowned fiberglass windows manufacturer or is a custom piece designed just for your home, a little care goes a long way in maintaining its beauty and performance.

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