by on April 12, 2023

1-888-311-5134 is a toll-free phone number that can be used for contacting the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HUD department was created to help individuals facing eviction from their homes, as well as those who are struggling financially. You may find yourself in one of these situations if you are suffering from unemployment or if your family is experiencing financial hardships due to the recent recession.

The HUD department offers a wide range of programs designed specifically for those who need help paying bills or finding employment opportunities that will allow them to move forward with their lives again after suffering through an economic downturn such as this one has been since 2008 when it began affecting many Americans' bank accounts negatively


  • The number is 877-311-5134

  • The number has been seen to be used for spam and telemarketing purposes.

877-311-5134 is a phone number that is located in the United States.

The phone number 877-311-5134 is a phone number that is located in the United States. This particular telephone number has been registered to Apex Billing Solutions, LLC.

This particular phone number was most recently mentioned on Adware Removal Guide as one of the most common types of spam calls available today. As such, we recommend avoiding this particular telemarketing company at all costs and instead use another alternative such as Google Voice or Skype if you need a free call service provider!

. Currently, there have been 1 reports regarding 1-877-311-5134 being used in spam, telemarketers and spam text messages.

1-877-311-5134 is a phone number that is located in the United States. Currently, there have been 1 reports regarding 1-877-311-5134 being used in spam, telemarketers and spam text messages.

The newest report comes from a user who reported receiving calls from this particular phone number on January 3rd, 2019 at 10:40am PST (Pacific Standard Time). The customer stated that she received two calls from this number within two hours of each other; one was confirmed as an automated call and another call was blocked by her security system after it rang four times before going to voicemail.

. This number has been seen to be used for spam and telemarketing purposes as well.

This number has been seen to be used for spam and telemarketing purposes as well.

Spam text messages are often sent from this number, which can be a sign that the person who owns it is trying to sell you something. They might also send you text messages asking you to click on links or download software that looks suspiciously like viruses or malware. Do not open any downloads sent from this phone number, even if they seem legitimate because it could cause damage on your computer or mobile device!

. Users are advised to be cautious about providing personal information over the phone or by emailing this number.

Users are advised to be cautious about providing personal information over the phone or by emailing this number. It is possible that scammers may use this information to fraudulently gain access to your accounts.


The number 1-877-311-5134 has been reported to be used in spam, telemarketing and telephoning purposes. This number is also associated with the following services: debt collectors, debt collection law firms and credit repair companies. If you receive such a call from this number or if you get any other type of message from someone requesting your personal information, then please contact us immediately by using our phone number so that we can help stay safe from these kinds of scams.

Posted in: Education
Topics: 877-311-5134
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