by on June 21, 2022


The core issue of graduate education is how to improve the quality香港工作簽證of graduate education, of which improving the research literacy of graduate students is the most important. Curriculum is the carrier to achieve the goal of talent cultivation. How to promote the cultivation of research literacy of graduate students by implementing a curriculum that follows the laws of education and teaching and constructing a scientific curriculum system requires the courage to reform the outdated curriculum system and, more importantly, scientific reform ideas and measures.

The College of Life Education Technology of Liaoning Norma小學練習l University, as a pilot unit of the reform of postgraduate curriculum of the Ministry of Education, can position the research literacy of postgraduate education majors with "six core problem competencies" and continuously improve the quality of postgraduate training by building the postgraduate curriculum management system and institutional mechanism innovation.

Breaking the disciplinary barriers

The "six core competencies" refer to the ability of problem 碩士課程兼讀discovery and formulation, the ability of literature collection and organization, the ability of concept generation and definition, the ability of making academic propositions, the ability of designing research process, and the ability of mastering scientific and effective research methods.

A rational graduate curriculum and teaching content aims to cultivate students' academic quality and improve their practical skills through different types of courses. The structure and content of the curriculum system is also a process of continuous adaptation to social needs and educational development.

In the construction of the curriculum system, it is important to focus on the basic and cross-cutting nature. According to the structure of basic theory course-method and technology course-project portfolio course-practice course and general foundation course-professional foundation course-professional mandatory course-professional elective course, the dual structure of basic theory course-method and technology course-project portfolio course-practice course and general education course-professional foundation course-professional mandatory course-professional elective course is constructed, which builds for postgraduates A tower-like knowledge system and a rich platform for professional change for graduate students. The combination of professional courses targeting the frontier of a certain discipline is presided over by a professor and taught by several faculty members.

The selection of course content should focus on hierarchy and frontiers. The construction of single subject courses for graduate training should pay attention to the articulation with undergraduate knowledge and avoid duplication or discontinuity. At the same time, attention should be paid to broadening the specialties, selecting theoretical and practical issues of educational reform at home and abroad and western educational thought as the main contents of the master's basic courses, and offering 6 methods and skills courses. Incorporate frontier theories and research paradigms such as complexity theory and big data research into the doctoral program. Transform a number of high-quality research results in moral education, school management, basic education curriculum reform, and comparative education research into classroom teaching content.

Effectively and efficiently improve the mastery of research management methods and foreign language application techniques of graduate students. In the construction of research and analysis methods courses, literature retrieval and review, dissertation writing, social practice investigation methods and approaches, working methods for qualitative problem research, statistics and measurement, and the application of SPSS applied statistical software in educational theory research are incorporated into the standard system of postgraduate courses, and cutting-edge research design methods related to big data processing are incorporated into the evaluation system of doctoral courses. Intensify the construction of bilingual course resources. Offer bilingual courses in two different majors of comparative security education and curriculum pedagogy, develop talent training programs and curriculum knowledge system, introduce, adapt and borrow advanced foreign teaching materials, and build a scientific and reasonable curriculum content system for graduate education activities that is in line with the international market.

Strengthening scientific research training

For the cultivation of postgraduates, the most effective way to manage the course study and scientific research training is to explore the way to reflect the "research" nature of the cultivation work. The students of the School of Life Education and Technology of Liaoning Normal University actively carry out the reform of the teaching mode of social education practice and increase the intensity of scientific research training in the courses.

Focusing on the reform of classroom teaching, we promote the transformation of teachers' teaching methods and students' learning methods, and guide students to explore knowledge in the process of problem discovery and problem solving. Increase the proportion of research-oriented courses in the teaching of graduate courses, promote literature reading and analysis in the study of courses with a large reading volume, and change the status quo of the dominance of the traditional teaching classroom. To transform the teaching of graduate students into the learning of graduate students, try to introduce the transfer classroom teaching mode, and give full play to the important role of extracurricular learning of graduate students in cultivating research and innovation ability. Implement a system combining collective guidance by tutors and individual guidance by tutors.

Construct a postgraduate course learning support system, provide personalized learning consultation and targeted course learning guidance, and carry out various activities for postgraduate course learning exchange. The College of Education of Hong Kong Liaoning Normal University strives to strengthen the construction of information systems such as teaching service platform and digital course center to provide information and technical support for graduate courses. To establish and improve the mechanism of graduate student academic exchange, build a multi-level platform for graduate student academic exchange, and organize and conduct graduate student academic exchange activities.

Explore multiple ways to improve the teaching and research practice ability of graduate students. In terms of cultivating students' educational practice ability, on the basis of the original practice research bases, continuously expand the field of cooperation and gradually establish a broader system of practice bases including schools, educational administrative departments, newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, radio and television stations, enterprises and communities, etc. In order to improve the employability of students effectively.

Building Quality Control

The whole process of quality control is a strong guarantee for the quality of graduate students training, which needs to be implemented by an effective control mechanism of the construction and management of the curriculum system. The College of Life Education Technology of Liaoning Normal University has actively developed and explored the accounting system of teaching goal management that is compatible with the construction of curriculum resources, and adopted a series of reform measures.

A curriculum review and evaluation committee is formed to establish an evaluation system and a long-term curriculum evaluation mechanism for postgraduate courses. Specifically study and formulate which courses should be studied at the postgraduate stage, what kind of knowledge structure should be possessed, and what kind of training objectives should be achieved, so as to construct the curriculum system and syllabus of the discipline. Establish the evaluation and monitoring mechanism and special supervision system for the experimental work of curriculum reform, monitor the progress and quality of curriculum reform, and guide and urge the majors with ineffective implementation of curriculum reform to correct it in time and rectify it by the deadline.

Strengthen the management of graduate students' course selection and establish a comprehensive assessment system for course learning. According to the actual situation of doctoral and master's degree levels, combined with the intermediate examination of postgraduates, establish a separate examination link to conduct a comprehensive assessment of whether the knowledge structure, ability and quality of postgraduates after course study meet the prescribed requirements.

Prepare the postgraduate training manual and strengthen the daily quality management of postgraduates. Establish the academic reporting system for master's graduate students and the preventive defense examination system for doctoral students, and seriously deal with academic misconduct. Strengthen the audit of graduate courses, required credits, elective credits and thesis reports, and notify students who do not meet the requirements to make revisions. Strengthen the management, strict examination and supervision on the qualification of the dissertation defense and the defense process of the graduates.

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