by on June 24, 2022

The body of the pregnant mother will happen many things during pregnancy, especially annoying is the growth of stretch marks, affecting the beauty will continue to itch. Postpartum stretch marks sometimes will be very deep, after the birth of a child is also difficult to subside, in general, during pregnancy postpartum stretch marks are too scary, so that to the abdomen massage can prevent stretch marks! The main content is shown in the following text 去妊娠紋療程.

A, during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks massage techniques

1, abdominal massage method

First of all, prepare the postpartum stretch mark day cream, apply it with the body, and then punch the stomach clockwise circles, pushing all the abdomen.

Next, after the pregnancy day cream is completely absorbed, the pregnant mother with the end of the finger block to pull up the belly, pinch and knead after loosening off, the same 3 times on.

Subsequently, the pregnant mother can gently put her hands on the belly and raise the pushing from both sides of the abdomen to the inner side.

Subsequently, with the navel as the core, slowly draw large circles from the inside out pushing.

Then, the palms of the hands are bent and slowly draw large circles of pushing with the navel as the core, followed by a light pat.

Eventually, hands open, put on the stomach, from the top down gradually caress.

2、Leg massage method

The first, with a grip on the root of the thighs on both sides, gradually stroking upwards. Subsequently, the end of the fingers to grab the belly, with a strong light press; finally with the hand clockwise kneading can.

However, here to prompt pregnant mothers is that the abdominal cavity in doing pushing must pay attention to the strength of their own body, can not be extremely good to the fetus in the abdomen, in addition, postpartum stretch mark day cream to follow the prescription to buy, and application!

Second, the prevention of stretch marks also pay special attention to two points

1, pregnant women's diet

The postpartum stretch marks are not only related to the development of the fetus, but also related to the usual diet, the weight during pregnancy can also cause the generation of postpartum stretch marks! The more you eat, the easier it is to accumulate body fat and the greater the probability of stretch marks on your stomach.

In order to better prevent stretch marks, pregnant mothers need to upgrade their diet with nutrients and ingredients that can make their skin more elastic. Therefore, during pregnancy pregnant mothers must have a reasonable diet with a balanced nutritional intake, eat more vegetables and fruits, and focus on eating less and more meals.

In addition, the prevention of stretch marks will need to eat more high-protein food, which can maintain skin elasticity and have a good practical effect on the prevention of stretch marks.

2, forging during pregnancy

Reasonable grinding during pregnancy is very necessary, and did not get exercise pregnant mother's skin lost ductility, the increase of the fetal baby will be more likely to make the mother's stomach emerge more is postpartum stretch marks, therefore, the appropriate activities are not only beneficial to the growth of small babies can also be pregnant mother's skin more and more firm, reducing the probability of long stretch marks.

However, the operation during pregnancy also depends on the time, in the first trimester of pregnancy to cultured as the main, because at this time the baby's condition is not stable, but can do some particularly mild activities, such as eating after a walk to help digestion.

And to the second half of pregnancy, pregnant mothers do some pregnancy yoga to improve the flexibility of the body, sweating also on the skin white. In addition, proper activity can also ignite the pregnant mother's body fat and maintain all the normal weight can also prevent the growth of stretch marks.

Stretch marks during pregnancy after delivery is really horrible, pregnant mothers should prevent stretch marks? The above content is the relative and reasonable way to prevent stretch marks massage breast, and its diet with and training on the points that should be noted.


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Posted in: Health
Topics: following, prevent
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