by on October 26, 2023

Coronary artery disease remains serious. The most typical manifestation of this disease is angina, as well as chest tightness, chest pain, paroxysmal heartbeat, weakness, and decreased endurance. There are many patients with coronary heart disease who have no obvious manifestations. Once the 心臟病 develops, it may be myocardial infarction and sudden death, which is very terrible. Moreover, coronary heart disease can cause other diseases, such as heart failure. Coronary heart disease is currently the first cause of heart failure in China, but also seriously affects the quality of life of patients, should be prevented as early as possible heart failure. The active treatment of coronary heart disease should not be ignored.

1, dyspnea shortness of breath

Dyspnea and dyspnea are also symptoms of 冠心病, i.e., the body feels hypoxic. Dyspnea and dyspnea are symptoms that are aggravated when the patient is active. At rest, dyspnea is usually worse when the patient is lying down, and it gets better when the patient is resting on a seat.

2. Chest tightness and chest pain

Middle-aged and elderly people who live with unexplained chest tightness, chest pain, heart or abdominal discomfort and other symptoms need to be taken seriously, at this time may be suffering from coronary heart disease caused by this disease, in addition, the pain will also radiate to the shoulder, jaw, left arm and back,心律不正  the nature of the pain is often boring pain, pain in the sublingual nitroglycerin medication can alleviate the pain.


If after suffering from coronary heart disease, its body will appear symptoms are many, part of the patients will appear some unknown causes of body fatigue, weakness, do not want to move or drowsiness symptoms, the patient in the daily life of the body conditions appear for these system symptoms need teachers through timely examination and treatment.

4, syncope

Suffering from coronary artery disease arrhythmia, heart rate too fast, too slow, conduction block, cardiac arrest and other symptoms of patients, in the emergence of mild dizziness, severe dizziness and even fainting, can be seen in its harm is still great.

Warm tips:Coronary heart disease patients usually body often have many symptoms. Specific symptoms are mainly dyspnea, fatigue, weakness, reluctance to move or drowsiness, shortness of breath or chest tightness, chest pain, fainting and other symptoms. Patients must pay attention to seek medical attention after these symptoms are diagnosed with coronary artery disease.

For the treatment of coronary artery disease, many people know aspirin and statin drugs, but the effect of Chinese medicine on coronary artery disease? Now how do we treat coronary artery disease? Tongxinluo is the most representative Chinese medicine for coronary artery disease.

Vascular obstruction and vascular spasm are the main causes of angina pectoris in coronary artery disease, so the key to treatment is to unclog the blood vessels and release the spasm so that the heart has enough blood supply. In the choice of drugs, Tongluo medicine has a great advantage. Tongxinluo capsule is the representative medicine of Tongluo, which protects the heart health through blood protection, blood vessel protection and heart ischemia protection, and it is the basic medicine for preventing and treating coronary heart disease.

Tongxinluo can be used for the treatment of angina pectoris in patients with coronary heart disease belonging to the cardiac qi deficiency, blood stasis and collateral obstruction evidence, the symptoms of the chest suffocation, tingling, colic, fixed direction does not move, palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, obvious fatigue, the tongue is purplish or petechiae, the pulse is thin and astringent or knot generation. It is also used to improve the symptoms of hemiplegia or hemiplegia with numbness, crooked mouth and tongue, and unfavorable development of speech in the type of stroke with deficiency of qi and blood stasis.


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