by on November 20, 2023

Inflammation and acne can be a great friend. Whenever your pores are clogged for a long period of time, bacteria will multiply inside the follicles, causing white blood cells to kill the bacteria, a process that leads to inflammation of the follicles. As a result, your otherwise tightly closed pores will gradually become swollen and bulge upwards, giving rise to the acne we usually see.

If you face just through some with closed, that is, for some bumpy small pimples, and did not say inflammation and redness, we think that as long as the students do a good job of the theoretical basis of the hydration and moisturizing and exfoliation, unclogging the pores, and then carry out the closed acne will begin to slowly reduce or even disappear. So you can remove closed acne is generally not used anti-inflammatory sterilization technology products.

This development process we actually they are through the blockage of pores, the original breeding of acne bacteria will appear in your unclogged pores, after contact with oxygen China's natural death, there will be no subsequent inflammatory process.

That's the cure for already inflamed acne.暗瘡消炎藥If you want to get rid of this acne, make sure you do enough anti-inflammatory and antiseptic work on top of unclogging your pores.

In terms of unclogging pores, many people will just squeeze the pimples. Yes, squeezing pimples is very effective, but squeezing pimples also tends to secondarily infect the hair follicles with the bacteria on your hands, 暗瘡消炎藥 so after squeezing the pimples, you will usually be confronted with the emergence of the pimples over and over again, accompanied by the acne prints.

And the main reason for the initial formation of smallpox prints is the lack of inflammation, it can be said that the faster the inflammation is eliminated, then the faster the smallpox prints are eliminated.

In short, in getting rid of acne and smallpox marks, you can't expect that anti-inflammation alone will get rid of all the problems, 暗瘡消炎藥but anti-inflammation will help a lot. It is still important to get rid of acne or to solve the acne trouble from the root, it is better to take care of your acne skin scientifically and rationally.

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Posted in: Health
Topics: acne
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