John Hamilton
by on February 25, 2023

This article will will refer to sexual offenders who are masculine sense of he or him. This is because of two reasons. The majority of male sex offenders, with an enormous margin are males; and this makes the writing of the article much easier. The reader must be aware that what I'm writing applies to female sex offenders which make up about 2 percent of the sex offenders in America.

As I watch a particular newsrag show on a specific network of cable, I can hear an annoying woman start giving statistics on erotica story that are shocking! This causes me to ask my self, "If they are so risky then why are we allowing them return to the streets? What is the reason we don't put them in prison for life? If it's the case that most sexual offenders return to the scene, then we shouldn't ever allow them to leave jail for the second time." This line of thinking brought me to my most-loved question: why do we continue to allow this?

The woman on the news program began to recite her stats I took notes to check they were true. These were the claims that were stated the following: 90% of sexual offenders will repeat their crimes. 90% of sexual offenders will be convicted of a second sexual crime within three years. Sexual offenders can't be dealt with. Every child molester is a pedophile. The only remedy that works for sexual offenders is to execute them.

I instantly suspected that there was some kind of conspiracy going on here. I believed for certain there was a conspiracy by the authorities concealing something from us, and was releasing sexual offenders back into community for some unsavory reason. I wanted to discover the root of this and provide that information back to you the people of the world.

Surprisingly enough, I did discover the truth about a conspiracy. However, it's not the one you imagine. The culprits turned out represent news media. Newspapers, cable networks magazines, and even public channels. It appears that it is easier to make up news rather than report on the facts. Media is responsible in large measure of the myths and misinformation regarding these people. Through misreporting facts over time the media has managed to create a sense of fear in our society that even the mention of the word sex offender on their networks boosts ratings. The higher ratings translate into an increase in advertising budgets. As we're prepared and actually want to hate sexual predators and sex offenders, we are also responsible to perpetuate these myths.

Sexual offenders make up the most inhumane people in our society. We are all in love with them. I'm not going to make any excuse for them like "they are misunderstood"" or that they are considered to be a "product of their culture." They're not. They are perverts suffering from mental disorders who have decided to commit inhumane crimes of the worst nature. They are sick and require treatment, however, not in the manner cancer patients are sick. They are more sick in the same way that an alcoholic or drug addict is.

The misconceptions and myths about sexual assaults usually lead to an image of a gruff old man hidden behind a bush, looking at children at a park, and offering a bag of sweets. Most children who are victims of sex assault will be abused in their homes or at the home of an untrustworthy friend or relative.

The majority of victims of rape are victimized by their spouse or a trusted friend. However, by perpetuating myths media and the people in general can feel more comfortable seeking the most obnoxious forms of revenge. It's much more difficult to punish someone who is stranger than the one we are familiar with and cherish. 

Posted in: Entertainment
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