Rajeev Sharma
by on November 28, 2021

Testosterone is a vital hormone to athletic performance and everyday activities. With emotional well-being also at stake; low testosterone can take a toll on men or women of all ages.

Unusually low hormone levels can cause irritability, depression, decreased confidence, and increased body fat. While the causes of low T can be complex, there are simple and convenient means to naturally raise testosterone levels. These include basic workout tips that are feasible for all fitness levels along with good dietary and nutritional intakes. The intensity to which specific exercises are performed will vary based on individual testosterone deficiencies and fitness levels.

Workout Tips that can help to boost testosterone naturally include:

1. Lift Heavier Weights

Testosterone is produced to aid bodies that are put under stress. When resistance training does not require more hormones to meet your physical demands, the body will not generate added testosterone. A general benchmark is to lift 80-90% of a 1 repetition max on a selected exercise or establish a weight that can only be performed for 6-8 repetitions. While the proper form may be slightly compromised in these instances, it is important to not sacrifice safety and a spotter should be used when upping the ante for weights used. A simple way to put it is heavier weights, fewer reps.

2. Do Whole Body Compound Movements

Putting larger muscle groups through the challenge of squats, deadlifts or bench presses helps produce increased testosterone.  Your largest muscles, leg, and back workouts are important for a proportionate physique along with testosterone production.

Exercises such as bent-over rows utilize multiple joints, muscle fibers and muscle groups. Such dynamic movements prompt a compensatory response from the body to meet the additional physical stress.

3. Choose Cardio Wisely

A higher intensity cardio program can glean heart-healthy benefits and tax the body enough to produce extra testosterone. Meanwhile, endurance-based options such as long-distance running or lengthy stints on a treadmill do not elicit a strong testosterone response and can even reduce levels when done to excess. Choices such as sprints, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and burpees are examples of testosterone-producing cardio.

Testosterone and Fitness are Closely Linked

Fitness goals and definitions run the gamut. However, adequate testosterone is necessary to provide physical and emotional benefits across all demographics. These include bone density and muscle mass, which invariably lead to more effective workouts. Additional benefits can include improved cognition, better insulin management, increased energy, and improved sex drive. It’s easy to see that low T levels can lead to reduced overall health.

A well-balanced exercise routine that incorporates resistance training and high-intensity cardio produces testosterone to realize such benefits.

If your workouts aren’t producing the results you want, you might consider prescription medication or supplements with naturally formulated over-the-counter testosterone boosters. People at all stages of the life cycle can enjoy improved health once reaching adequate hormone levels.

Posted in: Health
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