by on October 24, 2023

Understanding and Renovating Lastrico: A Comprehensive Guide


Lastrico is a term that holds historical resonance, especially in European architecture and interior design. Often found in historical buildings, this flooring technique stands out for its robustness and unique aesthetics. If you're looking to renovate or restore lastrico, this article is tailored for you. Dive in as we explore the intricacies of lastrico and provide a roadmap to its effective renovation.

What is Lastrico?

Lastrico is a type of floor finishing derived from a mixture of marble chips and cement. Once the mixture is laid out, it is ground and polished, revealing a smooth surface with specks of marble chips. The resulting appearance is both elegant and sturdy, making it a preferred choice in numerous historical structures.

Why Renovate Lastrico?

Over the years, even the most resilient of flooring can show signs of wear and tear. Lastrico, while durable, is not immune to the vagaries of time. Renovation can help:

  • Restore its original shine and appearance
  • Repair cracks or chips
  • Maintain its historical significance and charm
  • Enhance its longevity

Steps to Renovate Lastrico

1. Assessment: Before diving into the renovation, it's vital to assess the condition of the lastrico. Look for signs of damage like cracks, unevenness, or areas where the marble chips have worn away.

2. Cleaning: Begin by cleaning the lastrico thoroughly. Use gentle cleaners to ensure you don’t damage the marble chips or the binding cement. Stay away from harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

3. Repairing: For minor cracks or holes, use a matching cement mixture to fill them. If there are larger damaged areas, consider consulting a professional to ensure repairs are done correctly.

4. Grinding: Once the repairs are dried and set, it’s time to grind the surface. This process will even out the floor, ensuring a smooth finish. Use a floor grinder with diamond pads, starting with a coarse grit and moving to finer ones as you proceed.

5. Polishing: The final step to restoring lastrico's charm is polishing. Polishing gives the floor its characteristic shine. Use a high-quality polishing compound suitable for marble and cement surfaces. Always test a small area first to ensure the desired results.

6. Sealing: After polishing, it's a good practice to seal the lastrico. This will protect it from stains and further wear, preserving its beauty for years to come.

Tips for Maintaining Lastrico Post Renovation

  • Regular Cleaning: Dust and mop the lastrico floor regularly to keep it shining. Using a pH-neutral cleaner can help maintain the integrity of the floor.

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Lastrico is sensitive to strong acids or alkaline solutions. Always choose gentle cleaners.

  • Address Spills Immediately: As with most flooring, it's essential to clean spills as soon as they occur to prevent staining or damage.

  • Routine Checkups: Regularly inspect the floor for signs of wear or damage. Early detection can save significant time and money in the long run.


Lastrico, with its unique blend of history and elegance, is a gem in the world of flooring. Renovating it can breathe new life into an aging floor, ensuring it continues to grace your space with its charm. With proper care and maintenance, your lastrico floor can remain a testament to artistry and resilience for generations to come.

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