by on December 20, 2023

Probably most women should know about abortion. There will always be some women who get pregnant in their daily life because they do not use proper contraception. Because they are young or unmarried, they do not want to have children, 子宮肌瘤不孕so they can only solve the problem by abortion. We all know that abortion is very dangerous to women's health, and women who have frequent abortions may also be infertile.

However, we have a history of abortion for women, pregnancy health care appears to be particularly important, which will be able to directly affect the physical and mental development of pregnant women's health and the normal growth and development of the fetus, 無痛人流醫院if there has been a history of abortion of women daily should do the following 6 points.

Pay attention to safety and hygiene during pregnancy: during pregnancy underwear should be changed diligently, more baths, especially we should pay attention to private hygiene, to prevent a variety of germs can be infected, clothing should be loose,終止懷孕多少錢 the belt should not be girded tightly, pregnancy should be wearing flat shoes travel.

Timely delivery:Pregnant women with a history of miscarriage should undergo regular prenatal checkups so that doctors can detect and deal with abnormalities in a timely manner and guide the precautions to be taken during pregnancy.

Good lifestyle:Don't get too tired during pregnancy. Proper exercise is not only good for the body, but also for labor and recovery later.

It is also worth noting that if you have had an abortion during the third trimester, it is best not to have an abortion after the seventh month.

Reasonable diet:During pregnancy, you should eat a reasonable diet to ensure balanced nutrition, especially foods rich in vitamins and trace elements, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, eggs, meat and so on.

Maintain a good state of mind:The state of functional development of the neural network system during pregnancy will play an important decisive role in abortion. Therefore, the spirit of pregnancy to be comfortable, avoid due to a variety of information stimulation, as far as possible can avoid the emergence of resource tension, boredom, fear of psychology.

In short, abortion is a great harm to many women, if a woman has a history of abortion, if you want to get pregnant again, the above points should be remembered, and you will play a big role in the future.


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Posted in: Health
Topics: abortion
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